Update from meeting with the rest of the board last night, got an update on the rumor mill / petition. We got very frank in discussions. FWIW, the ladies on the board have my back...they see the ugliness in these people's hearts.
They have circulated a little petition to 'make' us have a lawyer review the proposed bylaws.
we agreed to have a vote on this and, uh, do it if they wanted us too.
But this is the bullshit....mind games. They cant do the meeting on the date we chose, so they wanted to change the date top the day before scheduled, and have it at their house, LOLZ. So
to that. The peacemaker on the board suggested I have it at my house...LOLZ,
they not welcome at my house. I suggested their houses...crickets...because they don't want that negative energy at their house either, and they admitted it.
I made the point that
they don't control the narrative here,
we set the meetings,
they can make arrangements to be there
or vote in absentee.
So I sent out the email this am with notice of the meeting.
...... but no
because its self explanatory and very level headed. I predict they will try to make a stink and I will simply ignore them.
Good morning neighbors,
Per our last email, we have received comments on the proposed bylaws and incorporated them into the attached document. Please see the attached document for the comments in red underline; the original text is in red strikethrough. Minor changes will not include a comment from the BOD and will hopefully be agreeable to all at our meeting. Proposed changes that require further discussion have a comment on the right side of the document; this is the board's response to that comment. Thank you all for submitting your comments.
Our next meeting is scheduled for an undisclosed place and time you savages. Parking is always limited at this site so please carpool where possible, or walk if the weather is nice. There will be at least seven spots marked with cones for us to use.
For those that are unable to attend, there will be three major issues on the agenda. The board welcomes absentee votes on these issues, please contact one of us to submit a brief written statement signed & dated with how you wish to vote.
1. Approval of the proposed bylaws document.
2. Does the membership require the Board to have the proposed document reviewed by a legal representative?
3. Should the results for issue two (2) return a result of NO, does the membership wish to enact the proposed bylaws?
Other issues that will be briefly covered include an update on the change of landscaping service, duty officer patrols, and possible fall social.
We hope to see another good turnout for the meeting and look forward to seeing you there.
Oh, and update on trolling......
mostly because the guy is a spineless fuck face. Rewind.....at the last meeting the neighbor of ex president (and someone I went to highschool with weirdly) was trying to tell me I'd prob be good friends with them if not for this crap. he went on to say typical WPS, 'i mean the real thing we are all concerned with is property values' ...so I planted a seed. I told him 'yea, and that POS purple truck with its clearcoat peeling is really helping keep those up'. This truck is the ex-presidents toy I guess that he leaves in his driveway 24/7/365. Hard eye roll, walked away. Seed planted, he will 100% runtelldat
So...fast forward a couple weeks. We are out walking the kid and fuckface is doing the lawn..i give him the cursory 'bronod' to be at least somewhat cordial. He looked me in the eye, as much as an invertebrate can, and did not return or acknowledge us.
I pull out my phone in his full view and take a picture of said POS paint peeling purple truck.
Now....I'm not a dick. I do not plan to actually do anything with this, because, not a dick. BUT I LOVE KNOWING they are sweating it out thinking that I will. Hope they like the taste of that shit they were serving. I will of course deny ever even considering doing such a thing...and I truly wont until they actually do something to me.