COVID-19: the aftermath

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I personally will not be letting this go till those responsible are held accountable for their actions. I will not be distracted by the nonsensical war mongering going on with Ukraine.

If they have nothing to censor or hide...why are they doing exactly that? ... ce=url&s=r ... ensure?s=r

I post more as the truth unravels. Ignore the information I present at your own peril.
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More evidence its over. ... 30007.html
"No more COVID tests, vaccine proof or quarantines: Hawaii is ditching strict entry requirements" ... /11607559/
"Illinois, Chicago lift face mask mandates; City also lifts vaccine proof requirement"
oh no, wap wont be able to bitch about 'law' breakers anymore ... e-83152653
"New Zealand ends isolation requirement for arriving travelers" Still need tests. that will end soon too because the tests are shit ... 58514.html
"Nyet to Putin, no to masks: 5 takeaways from Biden’s first State of the Union address"
"Biden was maskless, beaming his signature smile. Given that Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the attending congressional physician, announced Sunday that masks would not be required for those attending the speech; virtually all of the legislators present, Democrats and Republicunts alike, followed suit."
"The most significant of Biden’s pandemic-related announcements was a program called “Test to Stay,” which would allow a person to receive a diagnostic test at a pharmacy and, if the test returned a positive result, to immediately receive antiviral treatments that are exceptionally effective at preventing severe and critical disease."
Oh, like FLACC has been advocating for a year and a half as your administration worked alongside big tech to censor them? Insanity.
"“It’s time for Americans to get back to work and fill our great downtowns again,” Biden said. “People working from home can feel safe to begin to return to the office.”......"“The vast majority of federal workers will once again work in person,” he said." About fucking time.


now its time to get Fauci's ass in jail and his assets striped for his crimes. He will prob retire first in July, but if he is stupid/egotistical enough not to, gonna be a shit show in congress for him about a year from now.
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More signs its over ... index.html

Healthy 22 year old elite athletes die (presumably in her sleep) all the time, said no one ever.

I fear that covid theatre, much like 911 security theatre, will stick around far longer than I am willing to tolerate.
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reminder: masks are worthless. this study keeps popping up again, and its a case where the conclusions are absolutely not supported by the data. ... as-fallen/

some highlights. FWIW when this study came out I read the preprint and drew many of the same conclusions myself.
of the 27,166 participants reporting "COVID-like symptoms," only 10,952 (40%) consented to having blood samples taken. Of the collected blood samples, 9,977 were actually tested for Sars-Cov-2 antibodies (seroprevalence). From this truncated sample, COVID seroprevalence among the mask group was 0.68% compared to 0.76% in the control group - a piddling absolute difference of 0.08%.

These figures show no benefit for masks, and also show that, when subject to blood testing as opposed to the farce that is PCR, most people displaying "COVID-like symptoms" do not in fact have COVID-19.
One glaring omission in both the original preprint and the Science paper is the lack of actual number of participants who experienced the seropositivity endpoint. Readers are subjected to a barrage of percentages and intervention coefficients, but I just wanted to know how many damn people in the mask and control groups tested positive for Sars-Cov-2. I scoured through the preprint, the Science paper, and the supplementary material to the Science paper, but the numbers were nowhere to be seen.

The researchers posted their raw data here, so I downloaded it and found a file called "endline_blood_results." Bingo, I said to myself - until I attempted to open the file and saw that it had a .dta extension. Oh joy.

Thankfully, Recht - an electrical engineer and computer scientist - has already accessed the raw data. Apparently it still didn't contain the raw numbers I was seeking, but he was able to compute them from the provided data: He found there were 1,106 symptomatic individuals confirmed seropositive in the control group and 1,086 such individuals in the treatment [mask] group.

Let those figures sink in for a moment: A difference of only 20 cases in a study of over 340,000 individuals over a period of 8 weeks!
I did not dig into the datafiles myself, i could see their bullshit from the published graphs. But by doing this exercise the study is even more catastrophically bad than I thought.
Only an idiot would fail to see that a piddling difference of 20 people between groups in a study of over 300,000 people is the very definition of insignificant.
IF you believe this study and extrapolate.... 20/~170k=0.0117% 7.9 billion * 0.0117=~930k. now that's CASES. using the death rate of covid 930k*0.01=~9300 deaths averted FOR THE PLANET IF EVERY PERSON WORE A SURGICAL MASK, OVER 8 WEEKS! So thats 165 per day.
according to this site: ~166k people a day die from all causes. So universal masking would reduce that figure by 0.099%

There is far, far, far lower hanging fruit in order to reduce mortality from things besides universal masking even if you think it fucking works.

Masks are for morons.
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The mask mandate and vax mandate is dead in NYC.

Because.... they don't work. Masks never did and the virus has fully evaded the vaccines so that they are no longer sterilizing.

This war shit will not distract the reasonable amung us, we will ensure this insanity does not happen again.
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max225 wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:24 am ... 33870.html

Saint Biden speaks … Return to the office you cucks
the branch covidians obediently comply?
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the director of the CDC apparently could not pass High School Biology. CDC stands for Centers of Disease Control, and dieses being biological you would think that would be a quality someone in that position should have.
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Wait till the long term damage starts to really show up in 6 months or so.
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This guy was on the DeSantis panel.... this is the start of the apologizing for being :wrong:

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last one for today: Masks are uselessssssssssssssssssssssssss ... GJhHCE&s=r ... id=4046809
A massive study of Covid infections in Spanish kindergartners and elementary schoolchildren shows that mask mandates did nothing to halt infection or transmission.

Infections were actually much higher in children aged 6 and older, who had to wear masks, then in those under 6, who didn’t. Nor did the requirements make a difference in the most directly comparable groups - unmasked five-year-olds and masked six-year-olds.

The study was published as a preprint last week; it has of course been ignored. It looked at almost 25,000 infections in 599,000 kindergarten and elementary school students in fall 2021 in Catalonia - the Spanish province that includes Barcelona.

Researchers took advantage of what scientists call a “natural experiment” - the fact that the schools required masks for kids 6 and over but not under 5.

here is the sciency bit from the abstract:
Interpretation: FCM mandates in schools were not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence or transmission, suggesting that this intervention was not effective. Instead, age-dependency was the most important factor in explaining the transmission risk for children attending school.
If you look at the charts for the transmission incidence vs age its a basically straight line with an r^2 that has got to be over 0.9, IE likleyhood of testing positive is age dependant not mask use.

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oh i forgot, Fauchi lied. Covid leaked from the lab and was manmade under his program. this is the smoking gun ... ce=url&s=r
This more recent paper shows the presence of a 19 nucleotide-long sequence (19mer) that in fact, contains the sequence that encodes the furin-cleavage site of the SARS-nCoV-2 spike protein. In other fact, this 19mer has 100% sequence identity (100% query cover and matched identity anti-parallel complementarity 5’-3’) with patented sequences from as early as 2015. (I am checking on the link to MSH3.)1

For GenBank: HZ246785.1, we find CTACGTGCCCGCCGAGGAG which is the reverse compliment of the 19mer CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG which is found in the spike protein of SARS-nCoV-2.

There’s also this one: GenBank: KH664781.1 (SEQ ID NO 11652): the one in the MSH3 paper. There are 4 other patent sequences from Moderna with that 19mer sequence that I found so far (LZ959695.1; LZ959694.1; KH664781.1; KH664780.1). This was no accident.

Most disturbing, however, is that HZ246785.1 was patented 7 years ago by MODERNA THERAPEUTICS (2015) and more recently by ModernaTX Inc (2017/2018). Other patents for this same 19mer were filed by CAMBIA (2015) and CureVac AG (2021). A shorter version with 89% query and 100% matched identity were found in patents filed by Monsanto Technology LLC (2016) and Metanomics GmbH (2015). Just noting some familiar names here. Not making any claims.
Read that slowly if your brain is smooth.

Covid has several gene sequences within it that are patented by moderna, and not just any part, the spike and furin cleavage site, the thing that made covid so much easier to get into cells and therefore so much more infectious. Do you think its an accident that the vaccine developed so quickly replicated this spike? or how they were able to alter it so easy to be produced standalone?

I want to see people rotting in prison over this.
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In weighing the risk of myocarditis against the benefit of preventing severe COVID-19, Norway, the UK, and Taiwan have suspended the second dose of mRNA vaccine for adolescents.

Similarly, adolescents (aged 12-17 years) in Hong Kong have been recommended to receive 1 dose of BNT162b2 instead of 2 doses 21 days apart since September 15, 2021.

84% of the hospitalizations (36 of 43) occurred after the second dose.

For the second dose, one out of every 4515 children developed myocarditis-related hospitalization. Note that this is an average for both genders.

For the first dose, one out of every 32,051 children developed myocarditis-related hospitalization.
safe my aching ass. We already know its not effective. :fax:
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note the 2019 date. Sept. in fact.
Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any.
There have been few approvals of gene therapy products in the United States and other jurisdictions, and there have been well-reported significant adverse events associated with their testing and use. Gene therapy products have the effect of introducing new DNA and potentially irreversibly changing the DNA in a cell. In contrast, mRNA is highly unlikely to localize to the nucleus, integrate into cell DNA, or otherwise make any permanent changes to cell DNA.
We know this to be false now

We have tested our lead mRNA product candidates in over 250 patients and have already demonstrated signs of single-agent clinical activity in our two lead programs.
wow, 250 whole people. Guess we better go ahead and inject a couple billion people with it
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The Australian Covid vax mandate is DED.

You know, because it doesn't prevent covid, among other various but important reasosns.

Perhaps the aussies will remember this at their next election and vote for a government that does not view them as slaves. They might even get spicy and ask for their guns back.
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from another site re: FOIA pfizer data

"On the Pfizer document release.....
Pfizer only tests you for COVID if you have at least one symptom. If the vaccine suppresses symptoms (which it apparently does), then it will falsely appear as if the vaccine reduces the number of COVID cases.
That explains the large “effectiveness” in the drug trials, it always made me curious as to how the numbers of infections dropped so much in trials given that it wasn’t happening in the real world. I assume the placebo group got regular PCR’s and the vaccine arm got tests on symptoms only. If anything it’s really testing symptomatic v asymptomatic presentations, which is ironically good to know that the “94%” figure is the actual figure of asymptomatic patients. Ironically this matches real world data."

Interpreted another way:
Pfizer accidently found out covid was a bad cold for most people, then tried to hide this fact for 75 years.
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1st of many to come sadly, this confirmation took UK the gov a YEAR to make, recall march 21 was about the rollout in the uk for the regular people in the prime of their life.

Pepper for the wave of unexplained excess death to continue deep into 22 unless they stop the insanity of these shots for a disease that they have evaded and is now milder than a cold for the majority of people.
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All over Europe, countries are dropping Covid vaccination passports only months after introducing them. Since Friday, Italy and Greece have become the latest nations to say they will dump passport requirements as of May 1.


When Italy introduced its vaccine passport last September, it had roughly 4,000 infections a day. When it tightened restrictions in December, it had under 15,000.

Now it has 70,000 a day.

I cannot say this enough times:
Covid vaccine restrictions are ending not because the mRNA vaccines have succeeded but because they have failed.

The depth of that failure is so complete that to explain it sounds almost conspiratorial. The mRNA vaccines do not just not work against Omicron, they have negative efficacy, which is why the most highly vaccinated countries in the world now have levels of infection far higher than they had last year or in 2020 - and far higher than countries that did not use the mRNA vaccines.


Thus the only real question left is not whether countries will be able to convince their citizens to take more mRNA jabs but what happens next to the people who have already taken them - that is, whether they have any kind of durable immunity AFTER they are infected against reinfection either with Omicron or with other variants.

It is too soon to know, but the fact that infections are again rising in Israel less than two months after it saw a massive Omicron surge is worrisome.
yea, covid is over. Lets hope that after infection vaccinated people can develop natural immunity, because if not we injected ourselves with an AIDS causing agent. Covid is with us forever and if it permanently evades the immune response its only a matter of time before one gets fucked and dies from it.
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CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons ... l-reasons/

some highlights
The article says when the Centers for Disease Control “published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65…it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots.”

“The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public,” according to the Times, “because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.”
After “several inquiries from The New York Times,” CDC unexpectedly decided to publish its data on the risks of hospitalization and death from both unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans, with or without booster dosing. But it did so in a manner that obscures younger individuals’ overall Covid risks, which is very low, instead attempting to force a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals’ hospitalization. The exact data about Covid risks by specific age has not been released in any graphical or easily viewable form anywhere.
This rationale for deliberately hiding government-collected effectiveness data was even confirmed by the CDC’s spokeswoman, Kristen Nordlund. This taxpayer-funded agency didn’t want to give taxpayers the full picture of vaccine effectiveness—for their own good.
It also feels confident enough to publicly admit this, but only after many Americans were fired from their jobs and suffered from serious adverse events and deaths after they were forced to take shots they didn’t want based precisely on false narratives fueled by CDC duplicity.

That rationale from the CDC hardly justifies the fact that the selective omission of public health information is more than clinical malpractice; it is scientific fraud.
time to clean house in 24. fire them all and start over.
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This is how they are going to erase the crimes of covid, by escalating us into another stupid pointless war ... ere-44502/

Unpopular opinion: we are the baddies here.
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they are trying to kill the olds at this point
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LOL, virus gonna virus, flu edition ... zBN0wE&s=r
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In an interview on the BBC's "Sunday Morning," Fauci said U.S. residents "need to be prepared for the possibility" of restrictions being put back into place.
Hey Tony you should be prepared for the possibility of getting HIV in prison, au natural transmission vector.
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Somebody needs to fix the matrix.
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