I made lots of these arguments in 2020 and called a grandma murderer. This guy makes them gooder, guess the dome was too smooth
COVID-19: the aftermath
- golftdibrad1
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Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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go read rest of rant there, not for thin skins or smooth brains tho
negative vaccine effectiveness means you are MORE likely to get covid if jabbed. Fucking stupid. but go get them and thin the genetic pool if you still sheepin'.Seriously, you really are fucking stupid if you take any more of these shots, and worse, you may have screwed yourself if you took the previous ones.
That's not my data or claim, its actually the CDC's data and statement: ... es-508.pdf
go read rest of rant there, not for thin skins or smooth brains tho
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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You are a monster if you inject your kids with this shitURGENT: New Pfizer-funded study shows properly dosed mRNA Covid jabs are useless in children under 5
The standard three-shot dosing regimen did not help young kids avoid medical care for Covid. Why does the Centers for Disease Control continue to push jabs on them?
The approved three-dose schedule of Pfizer Covid jabs for children under 5 did not reduce Covid-related medical visits in those kids, scientists reported Friday.
Covid jab advocates claim the shots help people avoid serious illness from Covid, though they offer brief protection - at best - against infection. But the new study suggested that the shots fail on that front too, and offer only risk and no benefit at all, at least in young kids. ... s-pressing
MONSTERS.Why are US health bureaucrats pressing mRNA jabs on kids when other countries aren't?
This question is not rhetorical. The incentives here are bizarre, especially since the campaign is bound to fail.
They didn’t have to be this stupid.
The Centers for Disease Control’s push for new mRNA Covid jabs for everyone is an awful medical decision - particularly for children. Healthy kids and teens are at tiny risk from Omicron but face real dangers from mRNA side effects.
It is equally disastrous politically. Since Wednesday, my tweet using the CDC’s own data to highlight the putrid risk-benefit ratio of vaccinating kids has had 5 million views, far more than any cable news show, and over 40,000 likes. (And I’m far from alone in decrying it.)
(Yes, you read that right.)
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
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hmm who fits that description?In Munich, there’s a traditional belief in the “Wiesn flu” – the cold you’ll typically acquire following Oktoberfest. In truth, viruses just become more prevalent in the Fall, for seasonal reasons that don’t have clear connections to celebrating. In the West, we do the greater part of our merrymaking in the latter months of the year, because this is when the harvest is finished and also when some of our most important religious feasts occur. That viruses are also more active during this time, for entirely separate reasons of their own, has provided the hygiene brigade an opportunity to launch unceasing attacks on those few scraps of our centuries-old traditional observances that are still left to us. The loudest voices in this screeching, hysterical mob invariably turn out to be a bunch of pallid, overweight, drab, humourless shitheads. It is hard indeed not to see in their irrational antisocial appeals the expression of deeper animosity towards those people who lead happier, more socially integrated and more optimistic lives than they do.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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In case anyone forgot their grade 10 biology class:Public health experts keep arguing that people at low risk from Covid - even children - should take the mRNAs because they have an obligation to protect the vulnerable. This line seems to have gotten louder lately, probably because Omicron is so obviously a cold for healthy kids the group risk is the only argument left to jab them.
But this stance isn’t just idiotic. It’s unethical.
It’s idiotic because the jabs don’t stop transmission, so giving them to kids won’t protect adults. Worse, it’s unethical because physicians have an obligation to do what is best for each patient individually. They don’t treat “public health.” They treat the person in front of them. mRNA shots have no benefit for healthy children or young adults, so they shouldn’t be given to healthy children or young adults. I am astonished supposedly serious physicians would even consider arguing this point, but they do.
Vaccines protect the individual.
Suggesting otherwise is unethical. ... to-langley ... ements.pdf
Why is this fuck not in jail yet?as many of you likely saw, a whistleblower came forward to discuss the fact that a number of CIA analysts appear to have been paid to change their takes on covid origins.
and now guess who looks to have been right in the middle of this imbroglio? oh yeah, the fauch-meister, faucharama, the fauch a ding ding: talking-point tony himself.
because this is totally normal, right? (bold mine)
According to information gathered by the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played a role in the Central Intelligence Agency’s review of the origins of COVID-19. The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters—without a record of entry—and participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s review.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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This is astounding. Where are the indictments? ... ven-really
Excellent piece that masterfully summarizes a complex issue, as always. Here are the cliffs but really go read it all.
Is Vivek Ramaswamy the only hope left? He's the only serious contender talking about abolishing a bunch of three letter agencies, and thats what has to happen at this point to save America as we knew it. ... ven-really
Excellent piece that masterfully summarizes a complex issue, as always. Here are the cliffs but really go read it all.
We would be better off if everyone at the FDA/CDC was literally locked out the building the next few years. I have no trust left for these agencies, its gone unable to be regained.if the process is the product (and it is) then pfizer's product looks like it went to market untested
the discovery by brave fellow feline kevin mckernan (who actually did what should have been done right from the start and went out and gene sequenced the pfizer covid vaccines) that the vaccines were wildly impure, low integrity, and contained not only copious amounts of contaminants, but actual active compounds like plasmids that were, quite literally, spike protein factories was extraordinary.
the key sleight of hand is this:
the pfizer BNT162b2 trial was performed using a compound produced using a very different manufacturing process from the one used to create the drug that was actually shipped and sold.
it was a small batch, high cost process that could not scale to make millions much less hundreds of millions of doses. and that is a VERY big deal because in this sort of biologic, the industry axiom has been constant for 100 years: “the process is the product.” make it a different way, and you have no idea if it’s the same thing. and the FDA knows this full well; it’s been a cornerstone of their approval process since the beginning.
there is really no other sound conclusion here: this was a bait and switch and the drug pfizer shipped to the general public was not the one they used in the trial and that the FDA approved.
this was the literal equivalent of building a perfect pinto by hand with master craftsmen for NHTSA and consumer reports to test and then shipping a bunch of junk made in a dysfunctional factory with massive defect rates and a different gas tank to your customers.
this was a lie, pure and simple and pfizer knew it and so did the FDA. there is just no way you miss this and this wild presumption that “oh, we can just switch to a radically new production process for a biologic drug without testing” is, as far as i know, unprecedented in FDA history.
to reiterate:
the process is the product and therefore they had no idea what this new product was.
and they shipped it anyway.
astonishingly, regulators do not even appear to have tried to find out. it would have been both sensible and trivial for them to sequence this. but they didn’t (or if they did, they sure kept quiet about it).
this is a simple, provable matter: was the drug you shipped the one you used in the drug trials or were the contents of the vials significantly different?
and if it wasn’t, then heads need to roll. the FDA needs to be gutted and real safeguards put in place (or honestly, perhaps flat out eliminated and replaced with competitive private market accreditation agencies not paid by pharma companies who must compete on reputation for accuracy, not monopoly). this outcome was obscene.
if the drug shipped was not the one tested, pfizer (already one of the most fined companies in human history) needs to be have its EUA protections yanked for pfraud and then get sued into bankruptcy as the gates open for class action suits by all those harmed. frankly, these protections (and similar for being on childhood vaxx schedules) should not exist at all.
governments and companies that imposed jab mandates for this product should be likewise opened up to civil action. this is how you create the liability that will make a group like the FAA or OSHA or departments of education/school boards think twice in the future about mandating experimental drugs to retain certification.
if this is found to be willful and deliberate, then the corporate veils at places like pfizer need to be pierced and folks like bourla need to be personally liable both civilly and criminally. this sort of pfraud needs to be a pfelony for pfizerians and FDA alike.
Is Vivek Ramaswamy the only hope left? He's the only serious contender talking about abolishing a bunch of three letter agencies, and thats what has to happen at this point to save America as we knew it.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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The literal poster child in Israel has died from the vax, probably.
a year ago same thing in argentina
The literal poster child in Israel has died from the vax, probably.
a year ago same thing in argentina
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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If you are injecting this shit into your children its child abuse at this point.
If you are injecting this shit into your children its child abuse at this point.
VERY URGENT: federal researchers find evidence Covid mRNA jabs cause seizures in young children
The safety signal appeared in a huge Food and Drug Administration database; did the Centers for Disease Control know before recommending Covid boosters for kids last month?
(NOTE: I asked the FDA for comment for this article before noon on Thursday. The agency has missed my deadline of noon Friday to respond. mRNA shots are still promoted to children, so the fact they may cause seizures is an urgent public health issue. I have decided to publish the article now, including my questions to the FDA in it. When they respond I will update.)
Young children had a significantly elevated risk of seizures and convulsions after receiving mRNA Covid jabs, Food and Drug Administration scientists have found.
The FDA researchers quietly released the finding, which comes from an analysis of insurance claims databases, earlier this week. The FDA and Centers for Disease Control did not meet a deadline on questions if CDC knew of the finding before it advised kids to receive more mRNA Covid boosters last month.
The FDA did not quantify the risk or severity of the seizures in the paper. But the published data suggest the risk appears to be about 1 in 2,500 completed vaccinations within a week of a shot. Older kids also had increased risk, though it did not hit statistical significance.
The CDC’s push for more mRNA for young kids was already controversial, since most countries no longer make Covid boosters available to children (or most healthy adults). The seizure finding will only increase the scrutiny CDC faces.
(I’ll never go away, never back down, never stop reporting the truth. Never. Stand with me.)
The “signal” - as researchers call the finding of elevated seizure risk - occurred in children aged 2-4 who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid shot and 2-5 who received the Moderna jab. (The age difference comes because Pfizer and Moderna offer different regimens of shots with different age limits to young kids.)
The researchers reported 72 seizures and convulsions in children in those age ranges after the first two doses of either Pfizer of Moderna. Most seizures came along with fevers, they wrote.
They found the seizures occurred after mRNA shots from both companies, increasing the odds the finding is a real risk, not a chance artifact.
(In the FDA’s own words: “Seizures/convulsions met the statistical threshold for a signal”)
The data also show a trend towards more seizures in children who received the Moderna shots, which contain more mRNA than the Pfizer jabs. Epidemiologists call that a dose-response relationship, and it is also evidence the finding is real.
In addition, the risk appeared highest in the day after children received the shots and persisted for up to a week, as far as the researchers tracked it. The fact the risk was highest soonest after the shots is still more evidence that the link is real.
Young children sometimes have seizures spontaneously or while running high fevers.
But when the researchers compared the normal background number of seizures with the 72 they saw, they found a difference that was unlikely to be due to chance.
The researchers found another 40 seizures in children under age 2, and 161 more in children and teenagers 5-17, though far more older kids received shots, so the relative risk in them was was lower.
In a similar analysis released in May that did not cover the youngest kids, the researchers found an elevated seizure risk in older children and teenagers, with the risk especially notable in children 5-11. But the risk did not reach statistical significance, meaning it could have been a chance finding.
(My questions to the FDA, asked Thursday before noon. Note that the paper also showed a signal for myo/pericarditis in teenagers, which is already known to be a risk from the mRNAs, thus the third question)
The new analysis was published Sunday as a “preprint,” a non-peer-reviewed paper, or the Medrxiv server. It lacks certain crucial data.
Notably, the researchers did not include either the overall number of jabs or the number of completed vaccinations given to children 2-4 (or 2-5 for Moderna). They also did not include the background rates they used. So calculating either absolute or relative risk ratios with precision is impossible.
However, they did report the total number of jabs given to kids under 5, which was roughly 850,000, including about 140,000 second Moderna jabs and 100,000 third Pfizer jabs. Two Moderna jabs and three Pfizer shots are required for a complete mRNA regimen in young kids.
Thus the total number of completed vaccinations in all kids under five in the database was about 240,000. Most of those went to kids in the 2-5 range. The 72 seizures thus come off a base of 175,000 to 200,000 completed vaccinations, for a rate of 1 seizure per 2,500 vaccinations.
(Again, if and when FDA or CDC responds to my questions, I will update the article.)
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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How is everyone enjoying their heat damage?
How is everyone enjoying their heat damage?
White House Orchestrated Cover-Up of COVID Vaccine Heart Damage
FOIA emails obtained by DailyClout show the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knew COVID-19 vaccines were linked to myocarditis and death, but doubled down on mandates.
“Astonishingly, the emails reveal that the most senior of leaders, all the way up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to mRNA vaccines,” Kelly said. “Yet they “colluded behind the scenes to conceal this side effect from the American people.”
Emails show the Israeli Ministry of Health tried to alert the CDC in late February 2021 to the problem, Kelly said.
“They said, ‘We’re seeing a myocarditis signal and we’re happy to share information with you,’” she said. “The CDC actually didn’t even respond to the first email as far as I can tell. So the Israeli Ministry of Health emailed again March 2, ‘Hey we’re seeing this myocarditis signal, we’re concerned, let’s discuss it if you want.’”
White House created 17-page script to ‘keep everyone on message’
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Looks like mRNA vaccines might not be good for anybody, anytime. bad signal is bad.
Looks like mRNA vaccines might not be good for anybody, anytime. bad signal is bad.
EXCLUSIVE: Moderna has halted a trial of a new mRNA vaccine for young people after a suspected myocarditis case
The case, which occurred in a Phase 1 trial of Moderna's jab for the Epstein-Barr virus, will only add to the concerns around mRNA biotechnology and heart issues, particularly myocarditis.
Investigators for Moderna today halted an early-stage clinical trial for its mRNA Epstein-Barr virus vaccine in adolescents after a participant in the trial developed a suspected case of myocarditis.
The case “necessitates an immediate suspension of all dosing for ALL adolescents,” an investigator at the company that is supervising the trial for Moderna wrote, adding, “Please confirm understanding and receipt of this urgent communication.”
The trial subjects should continue to be monitored for safety, the investigator wrote. About 150 adolescents are in the trial, along with 272 people aged 18-30.
A person not employed by Moderna, which makes the Spikevax Covid vaccine, provided the email to Unreported Truths.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Imagine that, free people dont like being forced to be a research experiment
Imagine that, free people dont like being forced to be a research experiment
U.S. Army recruiters have updated their recruitment posters to emphasize the removal of the Covid-19 vaccine mandate, aiming to boost enlistment numbers.
The move comes after the Biden Administration’s vaccine requirement, which was in place since August, 2021, was rescinded in January, 2023, after recruiting numbers had faltered significantly.
The vaccine mandate, lasting only 15 months, marked a unique period in U.S. military history as it was the first time a vaccine requirement was reversed. The mandate’s cancellation was influenced by arguments from many Republicunts, who claimed that the mandate negatively impacted military recruitment and retention.
Despite the mandate’s repeal, the response from previously discharged service members has been tepid.
Of the over 8,000 service members who were discharged for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine, only 43 have rejoined the military in the eight months following the repeal. A breakdown of the reenlistment numbers reveals that 19 rejoined the Army, 12 returned to the Marines, while the Navy saw two and Air Force saw one reenlistment. Pilots have been especially reluctant to take the shot because of reports of heart problems that arise as a result of the vaccine, problems that may disqualify them from commanding an aircraft.
Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was forced to remove the requirement due to the passage of the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.
Some who left the military are not returning because the vaccine mandate, combined with an increased emphasis on “woke” values have left them with qualms about serving altogether.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
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where are the indictments?Dr. Robert Kadlec served as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response) from August 2017 until January 2021. He is responsible for the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine development program Operation Warp Speed. Prior to that, Kadlec was Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Prior to this position, he has been working in the bioterror industry and by all accounts, made a fortune for his involvement in Emergent biosolutions - which he failed to disclose in his Senate hearings. For more on Dr. Kadlec, I suggest reading Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec.
So, in an interview with Sky News AU this week, Dr. Kadlec admits that he directly helped (or directed) the Fauci and Collins cover up on the origin of COVID to protect their gain of function program and their own asses.
Watch the two part (short) documentary here. The interview where he admits this can be found in the second part - towards the end.
Congress needs to hire a special prosecutor - now.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Masks never worked and if you continue to say they do you are stupid.
Masks never worked and if you continue to say they do you are stupid.
In incredibly surprising and wholly unexpected turn of events, systematic literature review of child mask mandates finds no evidence they do anything to stop Covid
In the Great Masktard Debate, the idiocy is not uniform, but highly variable. By far the greatest idiocy in this parade of bad evidence, failed predictions and false interventionist hysteria attaches to those who are most eager to force masks upon children. Lest you think all of these idiots have finally gone away because most school mask mandates have fizzled, I quote from the current advice of the American Centres for Disease Control on “The Use and Care of Masks”:
Yes, that’s right: The national public health agency of the dominant Western power still recommends masking children as young as 2 to prevent Covid. They accept that these masks may actually hinder respiration to the point of causing dizziness, in which case they advise parents to use less restrictive cloth masks, which do not even have the pretence of evidence in their favour. All of this is for the demographic that faces the least risk of Covid infection and probably the greatest risk from masking, which interferes among other things with communication and language development.Children ages 2 years and older can wear masks or respirators to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.
Choose a high-quality and comfortable mask or respirator that your child can wear properly. A poorly fitting or uncomfortable mask or respirator might be worn incorrectly or removed often, and that would reduce its intended benefits.
Choose a size that fits over the child’s nose and under the chin but does not impair vision …
If your child has a hard time breathing, gets dizzy, or has other symptoms while you are trying to get the mask to fit better or when using an ASTM F3502 mask or a respirator, choose a cloth or disposable mask. They should continue to protect themselves and others. Consult your healthcare provider if these symptoms do not resolve.
Now, there is a reason that child masking is a particularly idiotic superstition. In fact, there are two of them.
Reason the First, is that anybody who has observed young children in masks knows that nothing is less likely to stop respiratory pathogens. Kids are constantly touching their faces, rubbing their noses, putting their hands on everything in sight and sticking stuff in their mouths. Because there are few things more obtrusive than face diapers, kids fiddle constantly with their masks while doing all of these other things, in the process transferring whatever pathogens these masks have accumulated onto surfaces, and whatever pathogens might be lurking on surfaces onto their masks. If it were this easy to stop viruses, there would be no viruses at all.
Reason the Second, is that our misbegotten years-long campaign to stop Covid by subjecting children to various systems of hygiene abuse have yielded a multitude of natural experiments, which show that masks are utterly useless. Masked students and unmasked students have the same rates of infection, mposing mask mandates does nothing to stop infections, and lifting them does nothing to further infections. These awkward facts have encouraged various charlatans to crunch numbers selectively and disingenuously to save the masks from their obvious empirical failure. Despite the best efforts of the masketeers, pervasive publication bias and quite frequent open dishonesty, however, the reality is just impossible to deny: Masking kids is stupid, harmful and pointless, and there is no good evidence anywhere that it does anything about Covid.
This long-obvious conclusion has now been reinforced by “Child mask mandates for COVID-19: a systematic review,” a new study co-authored by the excellent Tracy Beth Høeg. One thing it reveals, is how little signal there is in all the noise about child masking. Of 597 papers whose titles or abstracts suggest they might bear on the efficacy of child mask mandates, the authors find that the vast majority provide no data of their own, consist of things like simple case reports, don’t specify the ages of participants or are too poorly designed to shed any light on the question. A mere 22 papers survived this screening and made it into the review. All were observational studies, because after all of this time, nobody has bothered to publish a randomised controlled trial on the efficacy of mask mandates for children, despite all of the mandates we have seen since 2020.
Of these 22 studies, a mere six find a negative association between mandates and Covid incidence. The other 16 find no effect at all. What is more, the authors assess the analytical methods of each study for various risks of bias. All such risks increase the likelihood that a given study will return a bogus result, potentially finding an effect where there is none. They tabulate the various risks present in each paper, illustrating how pervasive are the methodological problems that afflict observational studies in general, and observational mask mandate studies in particular:
There is a very important lesson to draw from this table, and to illustrate it as bluntly as possible, I have drawn two sets of circles. The green circles mark the six studies in this sample that have the most critical overall risk of bias. These are the studies you should probably trust the least. The single red circle, meanwhile, marks the six studies finding that masks prevent Covid in children. Note the almost total overlap between the studies with the greatest risk of bias and the studies that find child mask mandates are effective. Finding that masks work is a huge red flag for any observational study in this area, and almost certainly indicates serious methodological problems. This is exactly what we would expect research on a pointless and failed medical intervention to look like.
The very act of imposing prior political doctrines on scientific research effectively disincentives robust work, because the better this research is, the less likely it will be to support prevailing orthodoxies. This is because almost no medical interventions ever work. The chances that our bureaucratic betters will have alighted upon an efficacious solution by accident and in advance of all evidence, is in every case very nearly zero. Research on pandemic interventions thus has no choice but to be bad. Once politicians, journalists and grant-makers put their reputations behind idiotic campaigns like masking and social distancing, there emerges a great demand for studies showing that they were merely prescient Followers of Science the whole time. The quality of this Science must accordingly be dialled down until it becomes more likely to yield the misleading, desired results.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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where are the indictments?
\Yahoo has an article up claiming that "using the original" uridine resolves the problem . Well, it might resolve that problem, but the reason pseudo-uridine was used in the first place was to avoid the immune system tagging the injected material as "foreign" immediately and destroying it before it could get into your cells.
They didn't make this substitution, in short, for grins and giggles.
They did it because they had to in order to get the mRNA to survive long enough to be taken up by the body's cells.
How many of you saw Star Trek II and III? David, Kirk's son, cheats. He uses a known-dangerous and unstable substance in his Genesis device, proto-matter, which was, as he put it, "the only way to solve certain problems" and if he had not used it "it might have been years, or never" for him to be able to find alternatives. The result is that the planet that ultimately gets "generated" with said "wonderful" invention is unstable and shortly destroys itself.
The same thing appears to have happened here; Moderna has been trying to make mRNA work for over 10 years with the original targeting being for cancer. None of the previous trials worked. All the mRNA shot makers substituted pseudo-uridine for uridine because with the "natural" encoding in previous attempts the immune system immediately identified the mRNA material as foreign and destroyed it before it could produce the desired result.
It appears that in order to prevent what had previously looked like a dead end, in short, they cheated despite knowing their "solution" was unstable. Oh, and they got themselves shielded from any legal consequences in advance -- how convenient.
So no, I ain't buying -- without further and extremely strong evidence -- that this is fixable. Nor am I going to accept any excuses from anyone involved in developing or promoting this crap since, by this paper, it was known within the profession that making this substitution had a propensity to produce replication errors.
This paper puts forward an entirely-plausible explanation for inflammatory adverse effects in people who took the jabs, including specifically but certainly not only myocarditis, which is in fact inflammation of the heart.
where are the indictments?
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Think those mRNA vaxx was just making spikes?
Think those mRNA vaxx was just making spikes?

A new paper in a top scientific journal shows they accidentally cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins; no one has any idea how serious the risks of those might be
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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are the indictments coming yet?DR. FAUCI DAY 1 TAKEAWAYS
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci for seven hours yesterday (Jan 8, 2024) about his role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fauci's testimony uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems.
Key highlights by the Select Subcommittee from Dr. Fauci’s testimony:
Clearly, the American people and the United States government are operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies. More accountability coming soon!
- Dr. Fauci claimed he “did not recall” pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations more than 100 times.
Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous testimony where he stated
that NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan. (brad here - this has been proved to be false and is an outright lie)
He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded this dangerous research.
Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
A 2020 email, previously released by the Select Subcommittee, proved Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China. Today, he backtracked by arguing he should not have stated that as “fact.”
Dr. Fauci was unable to confirm if NIAID has ANY mechanisms to conduct oversight of the foreign laboratories they fund.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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CORRECTION: It would appear that the mRNA shots are not the prime culprit in the baby bust. Bit of good news; the bad is that the bust is still very much real.
CORRECTION: It would appear that the mRNA shots are not the prime culprit in the baby bust. Bit of good news; the bad is that the bust is still very much real.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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We need stay up to date on your cancer screenings, apparently. More so for the uber vaxed.
We need stay up to date on your cancer screenings, apparently. More so for the uber vaxed.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Math.Jab math for children: Vaccinate almost 38,000 kids (with hundreds of serious side effects), stop one Covid hospitalization
You read that right. 38,000 to 1, per a new British study. At best. Not counting side effects. Yet the Centers for Disease Control is STILL pushing these on kids.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
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Speaking of math: ... confidence ... confidence
bUt Im JuSt An EnGiNeEr NoT aN eXpErT
they were asked to gauge study abstracts and rate their assessment of their quality on a scale of 0-100. it used the same two abstracts for all participants, one on food sharing practices among foragers and another on the consequences of incarceration.
here’s the fun bit:
and adding “mathiness” to an abstract caused people to rate it more highly in inverse proportion to how much they knew about math and models.
for humanities, social sciences the variance was large and stat sig (p<0.01) and for other (including education) it was twice as big and also stat sig (p<0.01). that’s a helluva p value for an N this small. this seems to be a VERY pronounced effect and it gets worse the less expert in math you are.
i’d wager this effect gets even worse amongst liberal arts majors without advanced degrees… (this was not studied here)
the science crowd actually trusted “mathiness” perhaps a bit less than a study without it (not stat sig). but humanities loved it and educators etc really ate it up.
boy, that sure explains a lot about covid, covid models, and who went nuts trusting what, doesn’t it?
it also likely explains a great deal about why so many humanities majors and educators are convinced by the mathiness of global warming models and why far fewer who actually work in the hard sciences (apart from those whose grants depend upon it) are.
the paper had a wonderful quote on this:
“Within the field of pure mathematics, academic writing is expected to be completely transparent to anyone knowledgeable about the mathematical concepts involved. A typical reviewer of a pure mathematics paper will not tolerate a sentence or paragraph for which the meaning is obscure. The same cannot be said about some other academic disciplines.”
it’s small wonder they respond to math they cannot read. half of social sciences these days seems to consist of deliberately impenetrable jargon to occlude and obscure meaning (if, indeed, there is any meaning at all) so it seems to be seen as some sort of feature rather than a bug. but “oh, that’s unparsable and/or incomprehensible to me; it must be profound” is a truly dangerous basis for intellectual belief.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
- Senior Chief Patty Officer
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good clip i haven't seen before.
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
- Senior Chief Patty Officer
- Posts: 3109
- Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:35 am
- Drives: on used bald tires
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.
- golftdibrad1
- Senior Chief Patty Officer
- Posts: 3109
- Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:35 am
- Drives: on used bald tires
what are they hiding?
Desertbreh wrote: I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.D Griff wrote: Inserting 'nobody jerks it harder to the Miata than Brad' quote.