Even if you want to beat the climate change drum, her proposals should leave you scratching your head.
Time for the largest government intervention since the Nazis.
https://news.grabien.com/story-ocasio-c ... rnment-con
and the link to the actual gdocs proposal:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jxU ... obilebasic
Cant have no greenhouse gas if the .gov butt plug is installed!Why do we need a select committee? We already have committees with jurisdiction over the subject matter e.g. Energy and Commerce, Natural Resources and Science, Space and Technology. Just creating another committee seems unnecessary.
This is a big problem with lots of parts to it. The very fact that multiple committees have jurisdiction over parts of the problem means that it’s hard for any one of those existing committees to generate a comprehensive and coherent plan that will actually work to transform America’s economy to become greenhouse gas neutral in the time we have left.
Not having a full 360° view of, and approach to, the issue (and only having authority over a part of the issue) means that standing committee solutions would be piecemeal, given the size and scope of the problem. A Democratic administration and Congress in 2020 will not have the time to sort through and combine all those solutions in the brief window of opportunity they will have to act.
TL:DR The literally Nazi claims for