COVID-19: the aftermath

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They lied and hid side effects ... de-effects
In all, in its final report, Moderna counted a total of 11 people who suffered serious side effects among about 350 people who received the jabs plus a single booster shot.

In addition, two placebo recipients suffered serious side effects after the trial was unblinded and they took the jab. Finally, in the trial’s final phase, Moderna gave 60 people a second booster; one of those 60 developed stage four cancer.

In all, 14 people who received jabs in the trial suffered serious side effects.
n=600 people. 2.3% rate, and this includes 3 miscarriages. This is an unacceptable safety profile for a drug given to healthy people by 2 factors of 10.

where are the indictments?
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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"But here’s the part that stuns me, the truly jaw dropping aspect of where we are now: A lot of those people who got on their high horses two or three years ago, they won’t get off
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Forget apologizing and asking for our forgiveness. They’re still shunning us. They cannot possibly still believe they were right, so they must just be too afraid to admit the truth.

Which makes sense.

They were cowards from the beginning, hiding in their apartments and houses, behind their masks and face shields, following useless rules and rituals."

Some say they still are cowards

"So. They were cowards.

Cowardice is forgivable.

And they were wrong.

Being wrong is forgivable.

But at this point their inability to admit the truth - if not to us, to themselves - that’s not forgivable."

Yes Alex, its ignorance at this juncture.

"Where I stand, as of May 1, 2023.

I no longer expect apologies from anyone. If my friends want to pretend the last three years didn’t happen, I am okay pretending. I will never really trust them again, unless they admit the truth or at least show some understanding of how wrong they were. But when you have long histories with people, and you know their flaws, and they know yours, you have to make allowances, just as they do for you.

What I am NOT willing to do any longer is suffer their disapproval.

I have quietly extended olive branches over the last few months to a number of folks. But what I’ve realized recently is my willingness to turn the other cheek has a sell-by date, and it is here. Three years in, anyone who still presumes to judge those of us who were proven right has shown himself to be not just a coward but a fool.

As my dad used to say, forever is a mighty long time. And I don’t have enough friends to lose them lightly.

But I am done with these people."

That's awfully nice, I wouldn't waste my piss on some of my former friends should they find themselves on fire.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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In the video, Dr. Gounder discusses a study showing young people are disproportionately dying from heart attacks during the pandemic.

The study looked at acute myocardial infarction (AMI) which is ICD-10 code I21. Most people know it as a “heart attack.”

What is stunning is that the authors of the paper never considered the possibility that the COVID vaccines could be causing the effect they are observing.

Dr. Gounder then goes on national TV and compounds the mistake by also not mentioning this as a possibility when she talks about the study.

Seriously?!? How could they miss this effect which is documented in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
I wonder which of our quadruple vaxxed former members have had a heart attack?
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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CDC director Rochelle Walensky has resigned her post as the head of the nation’s top public health agency.

The CDC as a whole has been an unmitigated disaster, putting out poor quality “research” and studies that led to nearly endless misinformation. The agency promoted masks, despite evidence they don’t work, and created onerous recommendations on school openings.
its starting.
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Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection

...A new analysis suggests that a high percentage of people who required help from a ventilator due to a COVID-19 infection also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. This pneumonia was responsible for a higher mortality rate than the COVID-19 infection.

So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment.....
No fucking shit msn, and then drs would not treat the pneumonia with pneumonia drugs
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masks never worked
There was no new high-quality data or evidence suggesting masks would diminish the transmissibility or acquisition of the virus. While it’s unclear what Fauci was referring to in the interview, this messaging could not have been based on updated trial data but only on observational assumptions and mechanistic plausibility in lab assessments.

The inherent limitations of those methods are precisely why the WHO and other leading health agencies referenced the paucity of evidence regarding universal masking. When viewed in totality, the consistency with which experts and health authorities recommended against masking is important. Within the sciences, there are often disagreements about best practices and policies. And yet, major health governing bodies were essentially in universal agreement that masks did not help control rapidly spreading respiratory viruses.

Yet with no possibility of newly conducted randomized controlled trials contradicting consensus, the guidance and policy rapidly changed to claim that if masking achieved widespread adoption, the pandemic could be rapidly brought under control. Concerningly, one of the key motivations for the CDC’s dramatic about-face on masks was apparently due to public criticism not from an epidemiologist, but a sociologist and computer programmer.

Zeynep Tufekci, at the time a professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Information and Library Science, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in March 2020 that forcefully advocated for universal masking. Another New York Times article published that summer confirmed the CDC changed their guidance based on her criticism. The article reads, “Michael Basso, a senior health scientist at the agency who had been pushing internally to recommend masks, told me Dr. Tufekci’s public criticism of the agency was the ‘tipping point.’”

This shocking revelation, that the country’s leading public health agency could be so influenced by someone with no relevant qualifications or new evidence to substantiate her claims, was just one of many embarrassments for the CDC.
Something, something, something i was challenged on endly was qualifications. Well apparently a library sciences lib is qualified enough to be dead wrong about masks, and mechanical engineers are dead nuts correct.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Back from vacation so you can expect the normal shitposting about how :wrong: the the branch covidians were to resume.

All it would take is a simple apology and it will stop. But they too scared. They cannot renounce their new religion. ... a-tried-to
A Pfizer Document the FDA Tried to Hide Shows LNPs from COVID-19 Vaccine Travel Everywhere in the Body
It’s very bad to have LNP in the liver, ovaries, spleen, and more...

When the Covid-19 vaccines rolled out, public health officials took great pains to downplay how the vaccines spread from the injection site. Articles with language like this were common: “Most of the mRNA vaccine stayed in the injection site muscle—where you get the shot.”

We now know the truth. The lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs, travel widely throughout the body. These LNPs carry the Frankenstein mRNA that causes the cells to produce spike proteins.


Medical freedom is freedom. If you cannot get a job, go to school, or otherwise participate in civil society because you refuse a medical product, you are not free. What good are your rights if you can only exercise them at home by yourself? That is why medical freedom is a fundamental right that must be permanently fixed into the law of every civilized nation.

We are, as provided in the Declaration of Independence, indeed “endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights” and to safeguard those rights “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” We must never yield to the tyranny of permitting others to dictate what can or must be placed, administered, or injected onto or into our bodies. For once that right is ceded, none truly remain.
I propose a new amendment to the constitution:

1. The federal government of the united states shall make no law or regulation dictating what people existing within its borders shall or shall not eat, drink, inject, or otherwise ingest within their body, for any purpose.
2. With the passage of this amendment the need for the DEA ceases to exist and is hereby disbanded. Its former employees and officers shall not be eligible for other employment within the federal government for a period of not more than 10 years.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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nO SeVeRe SiDe EfFeCtS
To compare the risk of retinal vascular occlusion, we employed multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models after performing a 1:1 propensity score matching between the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts. Individuals with COVID-19 vaccination had a higher risk of all forms of retinal vascular occlusion in 2 years after vaccination, with an overall hazard ratio of 2.19 (95% confidence interval 2.00–2.39). The cumulative incidence of retinal vascular occlusion was significantly higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated cohort, 2 years and 12 weeks after vaccination. The risk of retinal vascular occlusion significantly increased during the first 2 weeks after vaccination and persisted for 12 weeks. Additionally, individuals with first and second dose of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 had significantly increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion 2 years following vaccination, while no disparity was detected between brand and dose of vaccines. This large multicenter study strengthens the findings of previous cases. Retinal vascular occlusion may not be a coincidental finding after COVID-19 vaccination.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Infection with common cold coronaviruses can trigger broad cross-immunity against SARS-CoV-2 proteins

In a new study, the team now compared the specific T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase—a non-structural protein—in blood samples of COVID-19 patients and of subjects who had never had COVID, including pre-pandemic samples. In all samples the researchers detected a broad immune system T cell response. The T cells found in the samples from people who had never been infected with SARS-CoV-2 therefore presumably arose in response to an earlier infection with other common cold coronaviruses and cross-reacted in the tests with the SARS-CoV-2-poymerase protein.

In addition, the scientists compared the potential specific cross-reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase with that of other proteins of related cold coronaviruses to gain further insight into SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses.

"These data provide further evidence of the complexity of the body's immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and what a long way we still have to go to fully understand it. Further research can now build on this publication and more intensively investigate the interaction between different respiratory viruses," says the study’s first author Tim Westphal.

The research, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, may help advance the development of vaccines and therapies against corona- and other respiratory viruses.
RE: bold, so what was it again the PCR's were testing? If you had virus protein chains in your blood, presumably from an infection. And since it was novel that means you have the thing and either were recently/are.about to be sick.

BUT if the fucking common cold could provide partial immunity, and the body was fighting off a mild covid-19 cold, you were possibly not ever a 'case' as the body mounted an immune response and the PCR found some fragments of an infection.

Yet another pillar of the branch covidians crumbles.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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back in the halcyon days of the 90’s, a young bill clinton played to perfection a certain form of crisis/criticism response:

deny, deny, deny, it’s old news.

the goal was simple: you lie and lie and lie some more. you do not expect to get away with it in the long run. you expect to get away with it long enough for people to stop caring and for it to become “old news.” and unfortunately, it works. well. because humans have the memory of goldfish and by the time it’s clear you were telling porkie pies, everyone is onto the next thing and no one cares anymore.

the modern version would seem to be:

it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s misinformation, it’s old news.

i, for one, would prefer that the increasingly obvious travesties, manipulation, and mendacity of the last 3 years not go gentle into some sort of societal goodnight and that perhaps a bit more discernment (if not rage) be sustained around here.

it’s becoming inescapably obvious what a complete goat rodeo of a pseudoscientific sham of suppression and shaping of facts the last 3 years have been and it’s important that we document this so that, if nothing else, people will know better than to blindly “trust the experts” next time.

and thats just the into. here is the kicker
we start in israel where recent lawsuits have unearthed some data that really drives home the simple claim made by so many since the beginning:

covid was not dangerous to young, healthy people.

israel is a nation of 9.4 million people.

guess how many people under 50 and without any serious underlying co-morbidities died of covid?

the answer is pretty stark:

Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Its safe they said? well its not.
Myocarditis caused by mRNA Covid vaccinations killed 12 South Koreans under 45, Korean researchers have reported in a bombshell paper.

In eight deaths, doctors did not initially realize vaccine-caused myocarditis had killed the victims. The fatalities were labeled generically as “sudden cardiac deaths,” but autopsies proved the link, the researchers wrote.

“Vaccine-related myocarditis was the only possible cause of death,” the researchers wrote. They said physicians should warn young patients of the risk and monitor them for myocarditis after mRNA jabs.

South Korea used roughly 3 percent of mRNA doses worldwide, suggesting mRNA-related myocarditis killed between 300 and 500 people under 45 globally, with most of those deaths never officially linked to the vaccines.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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"Masking Guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds," the email states [bold font in original email]. "Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds."

After publication, the White House told Fox News Digital that the COVID-related guidance in the email was out of date and inadvertently included. According to a spokesperson, the White House may be planning to send out the most up-to-date guidance in another email just before Monday's event. It's unclear whether recipients of the original message received any kind of follow-up note saying the COVID guidance was out of date.
Moving at the speed of science again i see.
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Emphasis mine.
for those not currently close enough to smell the burning wires of the conflagration cum confluence of the covid cultists and the “team fragile” woke warriors, please allow a gato to play the virgil to the public dante and give you a tour of the nether regions of the impending collapse.

we begin with t ryan gregory, purported “Professor of evolutionary biology. Monger (fear and/or fish). Come for the science, stay for the brilliant wit and humility. Assume sarcasm. He/him” who stands to the pulpit to proudly preach that which can only be described as pseudoscience and twaddle.

he has missed the whole of the debate and run off into a field of straw men as he attempts to equate a statement that “there is no evidence that masks protect from covid or from wildfire smoke” with “well then you must WANT me to breathe wildfire smoke!” as though telling someone that being mentally dependent on a tinfoil hat to keep tigers away that their headwear is pathological rather than functional somehow implies hope that they are eaten by panthera tigris.


they are deeply brainwashed zealots who lack the ability to conceive that any right thinking human could disagree with them because they inhabit a broken ethos that is neither intellectual nor ethical, merely echo chamber.

their entire signal is a screech of feedback generated by the endless repetition of their own unquestioned and unquestionable dogmas that they have mistaken for ideological and intellectual purity and perhaps worse: consensus.

this is the inevitable devolution of the woke virus.

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First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists At Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Say US Government Sources
The three scientists were engaged in “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses when they fell ill
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It was a lab leak, funded by USG and china was trying to weaponize.

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See how silly all this sounds now? Never Forget.

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Emphasis mine
“It appears that maybe the Biden Administration did not want you to speak regarding these topics,” Wenstrup said to Walensky. And indeed, Walensky’s testimony made it clear why that may have been the case.

First, Walensky disclosed that the CDC did not have — and never has had — national data about COVID hospitalizations by vaccination status. "At a national level we have never been able to get hospitalization, vaccination, and COVID [data]” she said. “We did not get data in aggregate on vaccination and hospitalizations."

This is more than just a simple data collection problem. Recall that the Biden administration justified vaccine mandates for healthcare workers and federal employees through the claim that, across the country, unvaccinated people were at high risk for death and hospitalization. “For [the] unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death… for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm,” Biden warned in December 2021. Now it turns out, as Walensky divulged, there was never national hospitalization data to support this claim. Surprise!

At another point in Walensky’s testimony, when asked about her 2021 statement that COVID vaccines prevented transmission, she answered, “that was true for the alpha variant at the time that I said it.” The vaccine trials, though, did not test for transmission, and some people in the vaccine group still got symptomatic illness. So her claim was largely based on wishful thinking, not actual data.

Walensky’s testimony is characteristic of her tenure as CDC director. Vaccine policy was the defining aspect of her time as director, yet Walensky once admitted that she first learned about the vaccines’ efficacy from CNN, not from reading the actual trials. Her job as CDC director was to both understand and effectively communicate national public health data, and her legacy will be that she did neither.

where are the FUCKING indictments?
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Note: this pool is now over 1.5 million. I verified all the large contributors such as Tim Pool did make that pledge (the full list can be found here).

If you take a step back, Hotez’s refusals to debate make it very clear he’s a grifter; he claims to be a selfless advocate for the poor, yet he cares so much about protecting his grift by not losing face he’s not even willing to spend a few hours chatting with someone he disagrees with to donate more money to the poor than most of us will make in our lifetimes. Fortunately, everyone could see this:

Note, to fully understand what happened yesterday, I would recommend reading Rogan’s twitter feed.

At first glance, Peter’s fear of debating anything makes sense. As the infamous Rogan clip above shows, Hotez is willing to make the most inflammatory claims imaginable about anyone who challenges with his grift, yet the second he goes outside the safe spaces provided to him by the corporate media, Hotez falls apart and makes a walking meme out of himself after a single touch question.
This guy, who was on Rogan.

If sunlight is the best disinfectant, this guy still lives in his mothers' basement.

He should be indicted too.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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All you dads of pregnant women (ye griff & Max) take heed: the new RSV 'vaccine' the fda just approved is fucking dangerous. The FDA regulatory capture is sickening.

emphasis mine
Two years after Covid jabs turned into the world’s best-selling pharmaceutical product, Big Pharma is chasing billions from new products for another airborne illness: respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.

Two European drug companies, AstraZeneca and Sanofi, want the Food and Drug Administration to approve a costly new treatment called nirsevimab for RSV for kids under age 1.

The FDA looks ready to go along. There’s just one catch.

The companies’ own trials show far more deaths in infants who received nirsevimab than those who got either placebo or a competing older treatment.

In the most important trial, of healthy near-full-term and full-term infants, three out of 994 infants given nirsevimab died within a year. None of the 496 infants who received a placebo shot died.

In all, 12 infants treated with nirsevimab died in the trials, compared to four who were treated with an older antibody or a placebo. Even accounting for the fact that more infants received nirsevimab than placebo or the older antibody, infants given nirsevimab had a nearly 50 percent higher risk of death.


ike the mRNA Covid jabs, nirsevimab falls in the grey area between a vaccine and a traditional drug - and its corporate developers hope it will be given to “all infants,” including healthy children, like a vaccine.

Nirsevimab consists of antibodies that attack RSV in much the same way that the body’s natural immune defenses do, preventing the virus from latching to cells.

But the antibodies aren’t given after an infant has been infected, as anti-viral drugs usually are. Instead they are injected in the fall, for protection through the winter, when most RSV cases occur.

Thus, like a vaccine, nirsevimab is offered before infection, in advance of illness. But unlike traditional vaccines, nirsevimab is not meant to stop (nearly) all infections. Instead - like the mRNA Covid shots - the antibodies are supposed to lessen RSV’s severity, saving infants from needing a doctor’s visit or hospitalization.


For infants with chronic conditions, RSV can be more dangerous. But an antibody treatment for those kids already exists. And when AstraZeneca and Sanofi tested nirsevimab against that older treatment in a separate trial for infants at high risk from RSV, the results were even more concerning.

Five of 614 infants given nirsevimab died. Just one out of 304 who got an older treatment did. And nirsevimab’s overall side effect profile looked even worse compared to the older treatment after a second year of dosing. Almost 10 percent of infants who received two years of nirsevimab suffered a serious side effect in the second year - none of the infants who received the older drug did.

In other words, for the kids most at risk, nirsevimab appears less safe than the older drug.


But even putting cost aside, anyone looking at the data has to wonder why regulators appear so eager to approve a drug that has at best marginal benefit in the face of serious red flags. Deaths are the ultimate yardstick for whether a drug aimed at healthy people - much less healthy infants - is working as promised.

By that yardstick nirsevimab has failed. That fact alone suggests that regulators should take a very cautious attitude toward its approval - possibly by insisting on another large trial that would focus primarily on safety.

But once again, they seem to have forgotten that their first duty is to protect the public, not Big Pharma’s ability to sell new medicines.
0.3% sounds small until its YOUR FUCKING KID and what other dammage could it be doing if they DONT succumb to the injuries?

dont get this drug for you baby.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Isn't this a new topic?
Detroit wrote:Buy 911s instead of diamonds.
Johnny_P wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:21 pm Earn it and burn it, Val.
max225 wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 5:35 pm Yes it's a cool car. But prepare the lube/sawdust.
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