OT 21: DFD Giveth and DFD Taketh Away

Off-topic? You mean on-topic!
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Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:16 pm
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:28 pm I don't think the basics of gender ideology hold up to basic deductive reasoning.
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:01 pm Mine holds up to basic Socratic reasoning and logic. I don’t believe yours does.
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:54 pmYou said earlier that you are a woman. That simply isn’t true. You might feel feminine, or want others to perceive and treat you as a women, but that statement is false.
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:22 pmthis is all much, much closer to religion than science.
Here you go.

According to my doctors, the US government (social security and passport), the MI government (birth certificate), the FL government (driver's license), and every reputable relevant organization (APA, AAP being the biggest ones) I am a woman.

According to you, I am not - and, further, all of those professionals are not operating within objective reality and the whole world would be better off to just let you make the rules for them instead.

Show your work. Prove everyone wrong.
Pointing to government authorities as proof that you're a woman is a really basic appeal to authority fallacy. You have to do better than that.

So to understand your claim that you are a woman, I need you to define what a woman is, so we can decide if we are in agreement here or not. Can you define what a woman is, so we can proceed with the discussion? Maybe we actually are on the same page here, who knows?
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You already said that I am objectively wrong. Prove it.
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Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:34 pm You already said that I am objectively wrong. Prove it.
This is exactly what I mean. You're not operating in good faith.

I brought up Socratic reasoning and the Socratic method, because that's typically how you have discussions like this with the intent to better understand each other. I ask a question to clarify and make sure I understand your claim, and you refuse to engage.
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MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:40 pm
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:34 pm You already said that I am objectively wrong. Prove it.
This is exactly what I mean. You're not operating in good faith.

I brought up Socratic reasoning and the Socratic method, because that's typically how you have discussions like this with the intent to better understand each other. I ask a question to clarify and make sure I understand your claim, and you refuse to engage.
You already flatly stated that I am wrong and so is everyone who agrees with me.

How can you be certain that we're all wrong if you claim not to even understand what we're saying?

Support your statement that we're all wrong. How are we wrong?
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Maybe I am wrong! I need to understand your position to see if I agree or not.

Based on my definition of a woman, we disagree. Maybe there’s a definition that I don’t know or that we need to switch to or something. Maybe if you explain your position, we can find some common ground and come to an understanding. I’m asking about your position so I can understand it better.

Do you want to know my position first? Is that why you’re reluctant to engage? Then say so. A woman is an adult, female human to me. Based on everything I know about you, you did not fit this definition. Biological sex is based on immutable characteristics dictated at conception. Despite changing physical things about yourself, these characteristics, such as chromosomes, DNA, produce male gametes, etc. remain male. Because of that, I conclude that you are male. Are any of those assumptions wrong? Do you want a different definition of woman? What’s your position here?
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MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:02 pm Maybe I am wrong! I need to understand your position to see if I agree or not.

Based on my definition of a woman, we disagree. Maybe there’s a definition that I don’t know or that we need to switch to or something. Maybe if you explain your position, we can find some common ground and come to an understanding. I’m asking about your position so I can understand it better.

Do you want to know my position first? Is that why you’re reluctant to engage? Then say so. A woman is an adult, female human to me. Based on everything I know about you, you did not fit this definition. Biological sex is based on immutable characteristics dictated at conception. Despite changing physical things about yourself, these characteristics, such as chromosomes, DNA, produce male gametes, etc. remain male. Because of that, I conclude that you are male. Are any of those assumptions wrong? Do you want a different definition of woman? What’s your position here?
There we go. Sounds like you're saying:

Gender == sex. The two are synonyms, not distinct concepts.

Sex == purely binary for every human.

The second is demonstrably false: People are born with ambiguous observable sex traits every day - and that's only counting the traits that we know about so far. How does your definition of woman handle those cases?
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My wife and I know our kids better then anyone else on this planet, if they are to learn about sexuality/gender conversion/religion/etc then i prefer that it be us doing the teaching. We share our traditions and beliefs for better or worse, and if someone wants to take that from us then they will experience a new kind of discomfort.
Last edited by Tar on Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Now we’re getting somewhere. So we disagree on two fronts, correct?

- You believe sex and gender are two different things. I don’t.

- You believe human sex is not binary. I do.

You didn’t really offer a viewpoint on the first one. Can you explain how they are different to you?

But on the second: I assume you’re saying sex isn’t binary because the existence of intersex and Klinefelter syndrome?
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MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:00 pm Now we’re getting somewhere. So we disagree on two fronts, correct?

- You believe sex and gender are two different things. I don’t.

- You believe human sex is not binary. I do.

You didn’t really offer a viewpoint on the first one. Can you explain how they are different to you?

But on the second: I assume you’re saying sex isn’t binary because the existence of intersex and Klinefelter syndrome?
Yep. Starting off with easier one, since we at least both agree that sex exists. How do you evaluate the currently known intersex conditions if everyone absolutely falls into male or female? Are they all male? All female? Some of each depending on some specific criteria (if so please share for the class)?
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Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:18 pm
golftdibrad1 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:05 pm

Is the strawman & appeal to authority the only arguments you poses?

And that's where I'm at with this discussion.

:member: when ye olde Val would drop n-bombs everywhere? :member: being racist af? I :member:

And now that she is in a protected class wants us all to get on board and sing kumbaya. :yeahok:
Remember when I was a strong advocate for freedom of speech? Now I'm advocating for... the exact same thing.

:gtfo: with the racism accusations. The word was used to describe exactly one person (myself) ever, and only as a demonstration of the belief that words should not be banned.
Yea, that's not what I recall at all. You were going off the rails being offensive on purpose, even if you didn't mean it.

Besides, your worldview probably thinks I'm a literal nazi, where as mine looking at the objective definition of the term would have you fit more squarely in the definition.

I however wont make that accusation due to the evil to the core connotation it carries; I'm happy to just say plainly that your being an asshole.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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golftdibrad1 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:22 am
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:18 pm

Remember when I was a strong advocate for freedom of speech? Now I'm advocating for... the exact same thing.

:gtfo: with the racism accusations. The word was used to describe exactly one person (myself) ever, and only as a demonstration of the belief that words should not be banned.
Yea, that's not what I recall at all. You were going off the rails being offensive on purpose, even if you didn't mean it.

Besides, your worldview probably thinks I'm a literal nazi, where as mine looking at the objective definition of the term would have you fit more squarely in the definition.

I however wont make that accusation due to the evil to the core connotation it carries; I'm happy to just say plainly that your being an asshole.
Nazis were/are liberals. They used social justice to justify their heinous crimes.
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coogles wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:26 pm
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:14 pm

Biology and psychology have advanced a little bit since the bronze age.
That's the thing. Biology doesn't really change unless we're talking REALLY long periods of time. It certainly hasn't changed over the course of time people have begun really having more open dialogue about transgender people.
Evolution time scales even when forced are REALLY long for humans. We can direct animal evolution in species that live ~10 years in human liftimes. We live almost 10x longer than that, so it stands to reason that even if we tried natural eugenics would take 1000 years to see meaningful results.

MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:54 pm
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:14 pm

Biology and psychology have advanced a little bit since the bronze age.
I don’t think you are getting my point, but I haven’t really outlined it.

I don’t mean for this to be disrespectful, so please don’t take it that way, but this is where the gender theory activists lose a lot of people. You said earlier that you are a woman. That simply isn’t true. You might feel feminine, or want others to perceive and treat you as a women, but that statement is false. Your perception of yourself is not aligned with objective reality. The gender theory movement pushes to affirm the perception of the individual over the objective truth.

This is the dangerous concept to teach kids. The affirmation of perception over reality, and the ways to treat this misalignment is really the heart of the culture war.
Fucking exactly correct.

razr390 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:45 pm What is a woman?
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:31 pm
razr390 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:55 pm You can’t say traditional gender norms are outdated and/or artificially segregated by society and then claim that you identify with the traits and characteristics of said gender ideology (woman).

It sort of defeats the purpose does it not? If we believe gender is fluid and gender norms shouldn’t exist, then we wouldn’t have so many people claiming to be the other gender and advocating for respect/equal treatment while identifying as such.

If anything, the gender ideology push further solidifies gender norms. It's the opposite of accepting the individual for who they are. If you're a male that likes fashion, makeup, and baking, now you might be the wrong sex, as opposed to just accepting them as a male that's unique.

Both extremely excellent points sirs.

By the numbers, most sexually confused young people end up homosexual NOT trans. Why would we risk permanent physical harm to people that may turn out just fine and happy being regular vanilla ordinary gay?

And another point to add:

Their sexulaity should be left for them to figure out, just like the rest of us, without the outside influence of fringe concepts at a tender young age. To some degree we all want to be normal and fit in. With kids its worse; they literally cast out different people from the group. Introducing these ideas will create outcasts. Worse they might find community and influence others; we are social creatures afterall.

Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:52 pm

Enough with this answering questions with questions crap.

The burden of proof is on the one making the extraordinary claims. You claim that my doctors, the US government, the MI government, the FL government, and I am wrong about myself specifically and that every reputable scientific group with anything published recently on gender is wrong in general.

very unusual or remarkable.
You are the one that is out of the ordinary, by definition. And while ok on a personal level, the ordinary is what society as whole should mold itself around.

Bringing back the context of education, we have special ed for kids that do not learn the same way as regular kids, slower, less gifted, etc. Most systems also have a gifted program on the other end of the spectrum. But the education system as a whole is focused on the center of the bell curve my dudes, as it probably should be. You don't want the normies getting dragged down by the special needs OR getting left in the dust by the gifted.
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:11 pm

There we go. Sounds like you're saying:

Gender == sex. The two are synonyms, not distinct concepts.

Sex == purely binary for every human.

The second is demonstrably false: People are born with ambiguous observable sex traits every day - and that's only counting the traits that we know about so far. How does your definition of woman handle those cases?
Intersex people are very rare.


This paper from one of your official sources™ pegs it at about 2 in 10,000
If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%.
Sex is meant to be binary by nature for our species; its how we reproduce.

Tar wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:45 pm My wife and I know our kids better then anyone else on this planet, if they are to learn about sexuality/gender conversion/religion/etc then i prefer that it be us doing the teaching. We share our traditions and beliefs for better or worse, and if someone wants to take that from us then they will experience a new kind of discomfort.
Yes king. Same.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:11 pm
MrH42 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:00 pm Now we’re getting somewhere. So we disagree on two fronts, correct?

- You believe sex and gender are two different things. I don’t.

- You believe human sex is not binary. I do.

You didn’t really offer a viewpoint on the first one. Can you explain how they are different to you?

But on the second: I assume you’re saying sex isn’t binary because the existence of intersex and Klinefelter syndrome?
Yep. Starting off with easier one, since we at least both agree that sex exists. How do you evaluate the currently known intersex conditions if everyone absolutely falls into male or female? Are they all male? All female? Some of each depending on some specific criteria (if so please share for the class)?
Intersex conditions are genetic abnormalities that are very, very rare. That doesn't negate the human sex binary. If I asked anyone for characteristics of humans, they might say they have 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 arms, 10 fingers, and 10 toes. Just because some are born with abnormalities and maybe are missing some digits doesn't mean that the characteristics aren't correct. Biological sex and how it relates to intersex individuals is analogous.

The vast majority of transgender individuals don't fall into this category either. I think it's a red herring. Can we agree that when talking transgenderism, we are discussing individuals that do not fall into the intersex category and fall into the conventional sex binary at birth?

Another question though: if sex isn't a binary, what does it mean to transition? What do people transition to, if not the other sex? Isn't the concept of transgenderism affirm the idea that sex is binary?

When you say you are a woman, what are the defining characteristics that lead you to that conclusion? Can you make that claim prior to taking any steps of transitioning? If so, why take any steps to transition at all? If your own perception and declaration are the only requirement to be a woman, then what even is transitioning? What are you transitioning to, if you're already there? Or when you say you are a woman, are you saying your gender is that of a woman, but your biological sex is not? And you're talking about gender as a separate concept from sex?

I'm genuinely curious how you view these things. These are the kinds of ideas I haven't heard explained in any detail that makes sense to me.
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I could write volumes on all of this, but volumes have already been written by folks who have put a lot more into the subjects and y'all want to ignore them and start from first principles as if YOU are the world's foremost experts on everything... so I'm going to stick to the question already asked and not answered:

If all humans fall neatly into a purely binary sex determined at conception, then how do you classify individuals conceived with various known intersex conditions? Are they male? Female? Some of each depending on certain factors (if so, please explain those factors)?

Yes they're rare. Are they male or female? The only other option is that you think they're not human, perhaps that's it?

I'll discuss the rest when you actually answer that.
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golftdibrad1 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:22 am
Valkyrie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:18 pm

Remember when I was a strong advocate for freedom of speech? Now I'm advocating for... the exact same thing.

:gtfo: with the racism accusations. The word was used to describe exactly one person (myself) ever, and only as a demonstration of the belief that words should not be banned.
Yea, that's not what I recall at all. You were going off the rails being offensive on purpose, even if you didn't mean it.

Besides, your worldview probably thinks I'm a literal nazi, where as mine looking at the objective definition of the term would have you fit more squarely in the definition.

I however wont make that accusation due to the evil to the core connotation it carries; I'm happy to just say plainly that your being an asshole.
Inb4 English, motherfucker.
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Anyone have any dece weekend plans?
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Valkyrie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:22 pm I could write volumes on all of this, but volumes have already been written by folks who have put a lot more into the subjects and y'all want to ignore them and start from first principles as if YOU are the world's foremost experts on everything... so I'm going to stick to the question already asked and not answered:

If all humans fall neatly into a purely binary sex determined at conception, then how do you classify individuals conceived with various known intersex conditions? Are they male? Female? Some of each depending on certain factors (if so, please explain those factors)?

Yes they're rare. Are they male or female? The only other option is that you think they're not human, perhaps that's it?

I'll discuss the rest when you actually answer that.
I want to hear your explanation of it. I don't feel like my questions are that unusual. I see a lot of logical incongruities in the basics of it that I can't seem to figure out. If you'd prefer to point to someone who has written about it that you feel explains it better than you can, by all means, point me in that direction. I have not found anything that answers the questions I asked.

Why are your questions a prerequisite to discussing non-intersex related transgenderism? Intersex has nothing to do with the vast majority of transgender individuals (yourself included I might be incorrectly assuming?). If you want me to agree that intersex individuals don't fit the sex binary, that's fine. Let's exclude them from the discussion all together. Do you agree non-intersex individuals fall within a biological sex binary?
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D Griff wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:42 pm Anyone have any dece weekend plans?
Should be a first "nice" weekend... :yikes: Hopefully something fun like wineries or the like.
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I dated an intersex gal in SD. Born with both parts, parents opted to have a son so she had surgery as an infant/toddler to only have male genitalia. She said she always felt like she wasn’t the same as other boys as a kid, but was never told about her surgery/birth.

Then puberty hit and she grew tits and her parents had to explain what happened. They did genetic testing and she had the female XX chromosomes, so started living as a female at that point. Was saving for a sex change surgery to get the correct genitalia when we dated.
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SAWCE wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:41 pm I dated an intersex gal in SD. Born with both parts, parents opted to have a son so she had surgery as an infant/toddler to only have male genitalia. She said she always felt like she wasn’t the same as other boys as a kid, but was never told about her surgery/birth.

Then puberty hit and she grew tits and her parents had to explain what happened. They did genetic testing and she had the female XX chromosomes, so started living as a female at that point. Was saving for a sex change surgery to get the correct genitalia when we dated.
So they did the surgery before even running the chromosome test ? Parents fucked this persons life :(
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D Griff wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:42 pm Anyone have any dece weekend plans?
Not shit! :lol:
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max225 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:20 pm
SAWCE wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:41 pm I dated an intersex gal in SD. Born with both parts, parents opted to have a son so she had surgery as an infant/toddler to only have male genitalia. She said she always felt like she wasn’t the same as other boys as a kid, but was never told about her surgery/birth.

Then puberty hit and she grew tits and her parents had to explain what happened. They did genetic testing and she had the female XX chromosomes, so started living as a female at that point. Was saving for a sex change surgery to get the correct genitalia when we dated.
So they did the surgery before even running the chromosome test ? Parents fucked this persons life :(
Yeah unfortunately. Fucked her life up real bad. Her parents ended up splitting when she was young. Mom remarried, and then when everything came out and she transitioned to being a female stepdad couldn’t take it and bounced on them. Piece of shit.
She got fucked up real bad from all of that.
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Valkyrie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:22 pm I could write volumes on all of this, but volumes have already been written by folks who have put a lot more into the subjects and y'all want to ignore them and start from first principles as if YOU are the world's foremost experts on everything... so I'm going to stick to the question already asked and not answered:

If all humans fall neatly into a purely binary sex determined at conception, then how do you classify individuals conceived with various known intersex conditions? Are they male? Female? Some of each depending on certain factors (if so, please explain those factors)?

Yes they're rare. Are they male or female? The only other option is that you think they're not human, perhaps that's it?

I'll discuss the rest when you actually answer that.
Isn't the science pretty clear on biological sex? XX chromosome = female, XY = male. XXY and XYY I guess are also considered to be male, but seems pretty reasonable IMO to consider someone with both male and female sex organs to be neither. According to Google having an extra X chromosome happens in 1 in 500 people, an extra Y in 1 in 1,000 (who knew?).
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SAWCE wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:24 pm
max225 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:20 pm

So they did the surgery before even running the chromosome test ? Parents fucked this persons life :(
Yeah unfortunately. Fucked her life up real bad. Her parents ended up splitting when she was young. Mom remarried, and then when everything came out and she transitioned to being a female stepdad couldn’t take it and bounced on them. Piece of shit.
She got fucked up real bad from all of that.
Wow. That's awful.
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MrH42 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:51 pm
Valkyrie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:22 pm I could write volumes on all of this, but volumes have already been written by folks who have put a lot more into the subjects and y'all want to ignore them and start from first principles as if YOU are the world's foremost experts on everything... so I'm going to stick to the question already asked and not answered:

If all humans fall neatly into a purely binary sex determined at conception, then how do you classify individuals conceived with various known intersex conditions? Are they male? Female? Some of each depending on certain factors (if so, please explain those factors)?

Yes they're rare. Are they male or female? The only other option is that you think they're not human, perhaps that's it?

I'll discuss the rest when you actually answer that.
I want to hear your explanation of it. I don't feel like my questions are that unusual. I see a lot of logical incongruities in the basics of it that I can't seem to figure out. If you'd prefer to point to someone who has written about it that you feel explains it better than you can, by all means, point me in that direction. I have not found anything that answers the questions I asked.

Why are your questions a prerequisite to discussing non-intersex related transgenderism? Intersex has nothing to do with the vast majority of transgender individuals (yourself included I might be incorrectly assuming?). If you want me to agree that intersex individuals don't fit the sex binary, that's fine. Let's exclude them from the discussion all together. Do you agree non-intersex individuals fall within a biological sex binary?
There are a lot of things going on at once, some of which are related to each other, so it's all complicated.

First off, none of this has anything to do with sexuality/orientation/bedroomstuff and I don't know why folks keep bringing it up. Perhaps because the word 'sex' has multiple meanings? Whatever the reason, that is another subject entirely.

I'm frankly amazed that you guys seem to think that you have everything all perfectly understood and know what's best for everyone. I am far from certain on any of this. You either know a lot more than I do or are unwilling to consider that your understanding is incomplete. To paraphrase your old pal Socrates, I know enough to know that I don't know much.

I bring up intersex because it's an umbrella term and there exist individuals that I believe we would all agree are intersex - not fitting entirely into either male or female. Excluding them from the discussion is the exact opposite of where I'd like to go. There are in fact humans who are not entirely male or female, this is important to acknowledge. Non-binary folks exist.

Now some fun stuff, sex vs gender:

Speaking largely for myself, but as I've noted before the idea of making a distinction between the two is not some radical idea. Read the first paragraph and follow citations 6 through 14 for some more detailed examples:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex%E2%80 ... istinction

(It's not important to go through them in detail but to acknowledge that the work exists. Your view is not common in the scientific community and, to my knowledge, you have presented no evidence in support of it.)

I think that the distinction between sex and gender largely comes down to biology (sex, male/female) vs behavior (gender, man/woman, boy/girl). I believe that this distinction is a necessary bridge to accommodate our limited understanding of biology and our still primitive society.

For most people most of the time, only gender is relevant to life. Sex matters for some doctors some of the time and their patients at those times. Otherwise gender is how we think of and interact with ourselves and others.

On the "primitive society" part: While there is movement toward loosening the role of gender in society (women can vote in this country, that's nice - still only men can get drafted into the military though?), the fact is that we still have a ton of built up norms/stereotypes associated with gender. People absolutely think of girl and boy stuff starting from a very young age and it doesn't really go away, not entirely. We still have M/F on most of our documents and split people up according to gender in all sorts of everyday situations.

At some point we will hopefully free ourselves enough from those ideas that the general collection of behaviors that we now think of as gender will be accepted in any combination in individuals from any sex - i.e. anyone can be a girl in the same way that anyone can be a nerd. Gender will be a convenient shorthand for a spectrum of general behaviors that some people will identify with more strongly than others which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sex.

Gender is important to me personally because it is important to almost everyone else I ever interact with in this world. It's a tool that works for now. It's often necessary (and always convenient) in society to fit into either the man or woman category and I happen to fit quite neatly into the woman category. It's a multi-dimensional spectrum, but I am in the far corner of it.

Going back to "our limited understanding of biology" - this is when we finally get into the concept of trans people:

Remember when we agreed that biological sex is not entirely binary? That was an important point.

Even among "normal" (XX or XY) individuals, there are countless sex characteristics determined by not only genetic but also hormonal and environmental factors. Expression of each has its own spectrum and there absolutely are XY individuals who are closer to the average XX than the average XY and vice versa. There are also our friends with known intersex conditions who fall somewhere in that mix.

I suspect that we will eventually determine that what we call "gender identity" is also determined biologically, even though it is not yet understood. There is evidence to support that notion:

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... via%3Dihub

I expect there to one day be what we would call a "trans test" now, though I hope that it is not labeled as such by then. I expect that "biological sex" will eventually expand beyond the 2 box paradigm to include those sorts of factors. How we might label and categorize any of the resulting groups, I don't know.

What I do know is that we need language and policies that work today. Is any of it perfect? No. Neither is forcing people who are different to suffer in silence or, worse yet, punish them for existing.

What I also know is that it costs nothing to address people as they ask you to address them and to treat them based on their behavior rather than what's in their genes/jeans.

What I also know is that health outcomes are generally better for individuals who ARE taught about these things and receive gender-affirming care (No, we're not talking about surgery. Stop jumping to that conclusion). Trans kids with support become trans adults, trans kids without support become memories. It's not much different for adults. Knowledge is power and inclusion is important.

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