Global Warming - Discussion-Rant

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offffff. forgot about the sun. opps.
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Last week, Bank of America sparked a firestorm of reaction amid both the pro and contra climate change camps, when it published one of its massive "Thematic Research" tomes, this time covering the "Transwarming" World (available to all ZH pro subs), and which serves as a key primer to today's Net Zero reality, if for no other reason than for being one of the first banks to quantify the cost of the biggest economic, ecologic and social overhaul in modern history.

The bottom line: no less than a stunning $150 trillion in new capital investment would be required to reach a "net zero" world over 30 years - equating to some $5 trillion in annual investments - and amounting to twice current global GDP.

Needless to say, the private sector has nowhere near the capital required to complete this investment which is why Bank of America generously estimate that all or parts of the bill would have to be footed by central banks in the form of tens of trillions in QE. And since QE is essentially debt monetization, and since $150 trillion in new debt would have devastating consequences on the economy, BofA was kind enough to share its calculation of just how inflationary this billionaire pet project would be: the "full monetization" scenario, where central banks inject $5 trillion in liquidity every year via QE for 30 years, would result in incremental 3% of inflation for a good decade. This is inflation over and above whatever is already coming down the pipeline.
LOLZ. called it. 3% annual on top of the 2% over 10 years would turn your dollar into 61 cents... slightly more than a quarter of your income tax but tracks the overall concept about how the gov will steal from you to do this.

The 3% annual number over 10 years is... 1 dollar equals 74 cents. But you know, I don't know shit and pulled that number from my anus. :yeaok:
Big Brain Bradley wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:12 pm


Let's just say for the sake of argument that they throw a 30% tax per kwhr on all carbon energy. So 20% of our energy is non-carbon based, the other 80 is. Thats a 24% tax on all energy overall.

EVERYTHING from soap to medical supplies to CITY WATER (look up how chlorine is made not to mention pumping energy) will get 24% more expensive at a minimum.

You wont make 24% more money. Where are you going to cut a quarter of your spending?
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I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. ... -to-spare/

"Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare"

Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. But keep moving to the desert in an unsustainable way, I'm sure it will be ok (it wont)
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. ... -to-spare/

"Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare"

Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. But keep moving to the desert in an unsustainable way, I'm sure it will be ok (it wont)
My understanding is that SoCal is planning a mass migration to the Knoxville area to establish the Smoky Mountain libtardia region of Tennessee.
Detroit wrote:Buy 911s instead of diamonds.
Johnny_P wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:21 pm Earn it and burn it, Val.
max225 wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 5:35 pm Yes it's a cool car. But prepare the lube/sawdust.
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. ... -to-spare/

"Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare"

Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. But keep moving to the desert in an unsustainable way, I'm sure it will be ok (it wont)
All joking aside, interesting point. Vail is fairly representative of Colorado snowpack. But Lake Powelll is 177 feet down.
Detroit wrote:Buy 911s instead of diamonds.
Johnny_P wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:21 pm Earn it and burn it, Val.
max225 wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 5:35 pm Yes it's a cool car. But prepare the lube/sawdust.
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Desertbreh wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 9:35 am
Big Brain Bradley wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. ... -to-spare/

"Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare"

Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. But keep moving to the desert in an unsustainable way, I'm sure it will be ok (it wont)
My understanding is that SoCal is planning a mass migration to the Knoxville area to establish the Smoky Mountain libtardia region of Tennessee.

and we will smite them should they forget the reasons they left.
Desertbreh wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 9:39 am
Big Brain Bradley wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. ... -to-spare/

"Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare"

Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. But keep moving to the desert in an unsustainable way, I'm sure it will be ok (it wont)
All joking aside, interesting point. Vail is fairly representative of Colorado snowpack. But Lake Powelll is 177 feet down.
some data:


AZ, CA, NV look the same.



these two have something in common.... wonder what it is.....


Long term historic data trend. This could be something else going on, or just another blip as the data shows happened often in recorded and pre historic history.


note how usage tracks power production and agriculture increase.

You know, its a great resource we built those dams. Primary goal was always flood control, the other benefits secondary. The reservoir resources just need better management. If it was run by someone selling water at a market price based on reservoir level (tied to power output too) price would manage this. Thats a high level thought, but as of now the withdrawals are written as a 'shall issue' no matter how much water is left. Well, whatca gonna do when all thats left is the natural riverbed west coast bros? Pray more water into existence? Perhaps living in a sustainable way in the desert would be sustainable. Use direct air cooling for power, or reclaim wastewater (some do). Maybe don't farm so many water intensive crops in an arid region. Maybe don't have extravagant lawns. Maybe have gray water systems for toilets and other users to save fresh water.

This can be done in a smart, sustainable way... and we are just not doing it. But it has zero to do with anthropogenic climate change. :micdrop:
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Sums things up nicely, eh

from someplace else inthe forum sphere
Coach Rip wrote:Bumping this again. It's very important:

Remember that I was a geologist before I was a strength coach. This sums up my position on the gross situation:

A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth's mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet -- a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now -- and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly -- not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather. To put it very mildly, the solar system is a multivariate and very complex place, with variables in effect that we know absolutely nothing about since we've only been observing it effectively for less than 50 years. But career researchers who publish on grant money for a living, and politicians who are paid to control things have determined that they KNOW what they cannot possibly know, and which makes no logical sense.

And everybody believes it anyway, to the extent that they are handing the management of the world's economy to elderly megalomaniacs with an agenda based on their own personal power, who run the world's governments. You're not even allowed to question it -- otherwise sensible people have agreed with the ridiculous premise that CO2 is a deadly poison that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth. Every August, everybody runs around like it's not supposed to be hot. Every time there's a drought, everybody acts like it's the very first time it's been dry too long. "Hurricane season" started in June, and how many hurricanes have devastated coastlines already inundated by the molten ice caps? How many times over the past 20 years of this shit have the hurricane predictions been correct? Climate is long weather, and they can't even predict the weather.

Really, the children are in charge now, seeking validation for "caring about the planet," running around yelling about "carbon" -- the 4th most abundant element in the physical universe --being a deadly poison. Their managers are common criminals whose entire agenda is money and control, and we are letting it happen. It is the result of the shitty science education we received in the government schools, and it probably cannot be stopped.

I have been following this for a very long time, and I live with a woman who is far more intelligent than I am, who is intimately familiar with both Science and Professional Research (two completely different things) in several areas of endeavor. The models do not predict anything correctly, have never predicted anything correctly, the data has been either massaged or blatantly falsified to bolster the models, and "climate science" is no more legitimate than nutrition science. The governments of the world pay for research through grants, and grants are not available for studies that contradict the anthropogenic climate change premise.

Somebody has to pay the salaries of people like Happer and Lindzen, since the NSF refuses to do so. Hell, if Exxon paid their salaries it wouldn't bother me, as long as what they published actually made sense and was actually reproducible, which would distinguish it from literally everything disgorged by the clowns at the IPCC. I don't have time to cite the examples I've seen over the last 20 years of studying this, and you don't have time to read them. If you are interested, they are available, but you have to look in places you probably don't visit very often -- the bottom of the internet is an interesting euphemism for places that disagree with your preferred narrative.

It doesn’t matter how smart you are if you are psychologically unable to analyze anything outside of what previously recognized authorities have told you to believe. -- Vox Day
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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If these guys can make this thing work it will solve a lot of problems.

Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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If we are in a climate emergency... It's not in lives lost due to natural disasters or an increase in geophysical, hydrological, meteorological,or climatological disasters. So where specifically is the emergency? It's in the failed predictions.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Read this carefully and critically Maximillian. It critically examines real effects of some of the worst predictions of climate change. I tend to agree with the conclusions. Even if I am wrong about 'teh science' and too much co2 is causing this strong warming effect, it won't actually be a bad thing for 99.9% of people. Which goes back to anything climate related from government being a money/control grab. ... e-despair/
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Mann has STILL not produced the raw data that we as taxpayers PAID FOR. That's not science folks, that propaganda.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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long but worth the read to someone that can still think objectively.
The alarmists, I think, have caught themselves in a trap here. The effects of 1 degree of warming over 140 years have not been catastrophic. Why, then, should we suppose that the effects of at least one more similar warming would be any worse? That defies both common sense and history. The effects of the warming into the Roman and Mediaeval Warm Periods, and out of the Little Ice Age, weren’t bad, were they?

Of course, the alarmists will probably try to scare us by telling us that equilibration is slow, and there’s a lot more warming yet to come, which is already “baked in” from past CO2 emissions. But that would imply that a lot of the last 140 years of warming is due to factors other than CO2. The alarmists are wrong, either way.

In my view, the entire “global warming” and “climate change” accusation is a total fraud. Those that have peddled and are peddling it are traitors to human civilization. In addition, they are causing severe mental damage to many young people, through spreading lies, fear and scares. They deserve to be brought to justice, made to compensate all those they harmed, and duly punished as traitors deserve.

Those who have been bamboozled into believing there is a climate problem at all, let alone a crisis, need to look at the facts, evaluate them, and reach their own conclusions. They must stop fearing anything that hasn’t been proven to be a real threat. And they must stop accepting guilt for anything, without proof of their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. They also need to stop deferring to politicians, “authority” figures, “experts” and the mainstream media. Instead, they must use their own judgement, and spread the truth on the matter, as best they understand it, to all those they can.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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a debate, you know like we used to have.

Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Watch the young turks chick lose her mind about electric everything costs and 2 libertarian idiots laugh at her.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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What percent of the atmosphere is co2?

Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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prob too hard to read if brain is smooth. Cliffs: The algorithm is drawing a hockey stick.
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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The charts are designed to lie to you ... look-scary
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:28 pm I'm happy for Brad because nobody jerks it to the Miata harder on this forum and that is the Crown Prince of Miatas.
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