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[user not found] wrote:
maxtdi wrote:
No one voting for Hilary will agree.

To them trump is the personification of the Republican Party and what they think of it
Woman hater
Only cares about the rich

Literally that's it
Nope, I agree.

The RNC and DNC are both shitshows. Bernie should've won and run but they tried to silence him and forced him out. Honestly, I might be happier that Trump won over a slimeball like Ted Cruz, doe.

I voted to feel the Bern in the primaries. I voted to feel the Johnson in the final election.
I did not get my way. Even with the senate race, Shady Katie didn't win.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that people voted Trump because they agreed with his focus on restoring America's manufacturing prowess and bringing jerbz back in. They largely ignored the other things and focused on what he was saying that had serious potential to improve their lives and living situations. The shithead radicals are probably only 1-5% of the people that voted for him and guess what, there are 1-5% of HRC supporters that are outwardly aggressive shitheads too.

HRC was the wrong choice for the Democrats. This was obvious when everything surfaced about DNC silencing Bernie. They pushed HRC on the party, she was the wrong choice.
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Johnny_P wrote:
[user not found] wrote:
Nope, I agree.

The RNC and DNC are both shitshows. Bernie should've won and run but they tried to silence him and forced him out. Honestly, I might be happier that Trump won over a slimeball like Ted Cruz, doe.

I voted to feel the Bern in the primaries. I voted to feel the Johnson in the final election.
I did not get my way. Even with the senate race, Shady Katie didn't win.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that people voted Trump because they agreed with his focus on restoring America's manufacturing prowess and bringing jerbz back in. They largely ignored the other things and focused on what he was saying that had serious potential to improve their lives and living situations. The shithead radicals are probably only 1-5% of the people that voted for him and guess what, there are 1-5% of HRC supporters that are outwardly aggressive shitheads too.

HRC was the wrong choice for the Democrats. This was obvious when everything surfaced about DNC silencing Bernie. They pushed HRC on the party, she was the wrong choice.
HRC did win the popular vote, doe
:wap: Where are these mangos?
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wap wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: I voted to feel the Bern in the primaries. I voted to feel the Johnson in the final election.
I did not get my way. Even with the senate race, Shady Katie didn't win.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that people voted Trump because they agreed with his focus on restoring America's manufacturing prowess and bringing jerbz back in. They largely ignored the other things and focused on what he was saying that had serious potential to improve their lives and living situations. The shithead radicals are probably only 1-5% of the people that voted for him and guess what, there are 1-5% of HRC supporters that are outwardly aggressive shitheads too.

HRC was the wrong choice for the Democrats. This was obvious when everything surfaced about DNC silencing Bernie. They pushed HRC on the party, she was the wrong choice.
HRC did win the popular vote, doe
What people don't understand is that the electoral college system basically is 50 elections not 1 big election. Whoever wins the popular vote of the state wins those states electoral votes.

That 200-300k difference could very well be 200-300k more voters that turned out in California. It was not a huge margin, and the popular vote of each state elected Donald Trump in the long run.
:doughnut: :narc: :doughnut:
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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From Mark Gardiner: A Canadian and about as Liberal as the come. Explains the outcome pretty well IMO.

An essay on the moral bankruptcy and strategic illiteracy of the Democratic Party:

“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly two million… wah-wah-wah.”

Tough titties. Complaining that Trump won the electoral college without winning the popular vote betrays the Democratic Party’s moral bankruptcy and worse, it allows the Party to absolve itself of the loss and encourages the Party to go forward into oblivion without learning anything from the fact that it was beaten by an idiot with no experience and no organization. Democrats: You are now officially the party of strategic morons.

But first, the moral bankruptcy: You only get to complain about winning the popular vote while losing the electoral college vote if you would have complained about the reverse outcome.

In fact, the “expert” pollsters whom the Democratic Party trusted thought it was quite possible Clinton would win the electoral college while losing the popular vote. When that possibility was mentioned, no one on the Democratic side ever said, “But of course if that happened we’d lack the moral authority to govern.” Not even close; Democratic operatives openly spoke of Clinton’s ‘Electoral Advantage’. When Democrats thought they were going to win, they were perfectly happy with the Electoral College system.

That’s enough of a reason to shut the fuck up, Democratic whiners. But it is not the only reason.

OK, so in terms of the yes-but-asterisk popular vote, Democrats “should have” won. But look at the opponent you barely beat (in the popular vote): Trump’s an openly racist, misogynistic, serially-bankrupt, manifestly incompetent buffoon. The fact that he got nearly, nearly as many votes as your candidate should profoundly embarrass the Democratic Party.

Am I making myself clear, Democrats? Barely beating that buffoon doesn’t give you the right to do anything but obsess over where you went wrong—not what may or may not be wrong with the system. You’re like a piss-drunk driver speeding into a crowded school crosswalk, who wants to blame the school system for employing a handicapped crossing guard.

(By the way, Trump isn’t some political black swan who staged a reverse takeover of the GOP. The GOP—and the Koch brothers—created Trump; just not on purpose. He was an unintended-but-inevitable consequence of the Tea Party.)

My fear is that in amongst this “But Hillary won the popular vote” whining, the Party will fail to do a post-mortem and learn from her manifest flaws as a candidate.

This is not misogyny. This is not to deny her record of working to support child health care, her political skills as a senator, and her obvious grasp of Washington realpolitik. I’m merely acknowledging the fact that she’s *also* a secretive elitist who shamelessly, openly worked her Hollywood-Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Davos axis as a giant pay-for-play scam.

For fucks’ sake, left to her own devices Hillary’d make Ronald Reagan look like a lily-livered liberal. And to make matters worse, while she’s great in the backroom, she sucks at connecting with ordinary voters. She’s an introverted autocrat who surrounded herself with sycophants—or at the very least with people cowed by her. Instead, what she needed was anyone—anyone—who understood the mood of the electorate and was willing to speak truth to power.

You needed to think of that, Democrats, instead of blithely assuming you could get anyone elected, no matter how unpopular.

And now instead of “Where did we go wrong?” we get, “The system was rigged.” From a Democratic Party that’s been strategically outplayed since the late ‘60s, and which has not even been in the same fucking game since about 2009.

It’s way, way past time to fire the Democratic team’s coaching staff and GM, but Democratic fans are still bitching about the referees.

When Republicunts first started attacking Hillary Clinton, anything they inflicted was just happy collateral damage in their attacks on Bill. But before he’d even left office, Hillary became a real target when she ran for the Senate and telegraphed her ultimate goal: The Presidency. The GOP has been pounding her for decades, and in the last decade has increased its attacks on her because they’ve seen her as an inevitable Presidential rival. For the last six to eight years, attacking Hillary Clinton has been the GOP’s single top priority. Not because they actually hate her, but because they knew that some day they were going to have to beat her, and they needed to weaken her.

The damage they inflicted was hard to repair, because it wasn’t just name-calling; the fucking private server was stupid, and the Clinton Foundation really was a pay-to-play scheme.

So the GOP has shown its hand for years. The GOP’s made it utterly obvious who they wanted to fight against. And the Democratic Party stupidly—stupidly! Stupidly!!—nominated that very candidate.

If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (or whoever) had had the spine required to just tell her behind closed doors, “Sorry, you’re damaged goods,” and called anyone else—Bernie, Tulsi Gabbard, Gavin Newsom—the GOP would have been thrown into a panic. They’d’ve thought, “Damn it! We spent decades preparing for one opponent, and now those sneaky devils have presented a different one.” But instead the GOP simply turned the well-tuned Hillary Attacking Machine up to 11.

When the Democratic Party came to her defense, the excuses for all of Hillary’s flaws were, “That’s just how politics works.” The Democratic Party was so fucking profoundly tone deaf given the electorate’s mood that it just made matters worse.

And, “The most qualified candidate ever”??? Please. The Democratic surrogates and liberal media repeated that mantra over and over. You know what the electorate heard? “The most inside insider inside the Beltway.”

The unforced error of anointing Clinton before the Democratic Primaries was compounded when, early in the primary season, the enthusiasm for Sanders and Trump made it abundantly clear that the electorate was going to favor a populist. When Trump—the buffoon—quickly eliminated Jeb Bush, it was abundantly clear that the electorate was in no mood for dynastic succession. And yet the Democratic Party, in a mind-blowing display of hubris, remained certain it could ram the second-most-hated candidate in the history of modern polling into office.

Listen up: If Hillary Clinton *had* won, it would not have been because the electorate loved Obamacare; most of us heard, days before the election, rates for shitty insurance were going to double. It would not have been because the electorate really thought it was time to give a woman a chance; it turns out most people’d had enough of historic firsts for a while. (Though of course they did, by default, choose a historically terrible alternative.)

Anyway, if you tire of blaming the Electoral College for your defeat, Democrats, please shut the fuck up about the Russians hacking Party emails. All Wikileaks did was confirm what the electorate already suspected—which was that Hillary Clinton, for all that historic-first-woman wrapping, was actually just more politics-as-usual which was what voters were already committed to rejecting.

So are the Democrats now permanently fucked? The shortest answer is: Probably, considering the obvious strategic incompetence at the top of the Party. Even the most optimistic answer is: Yes at least through the medium term. But a possible route to Democratic Party redemption can be envisioned if you look at what the GOP did after Obama routed them in 2008.

The Republican Party did some soul searching in those months after Obama’s historic win. It came to two conclusions: First, it had to acknowledge demographic shifts in the U.S. electorate, and make inroads with younger and more diverse voters. Second, it identified state races it could win that would allow it to gerrymander House races.

It failed in its first resolution but was brilliantly successful at giving the GOP a nearly permanent home field advantage in Congress. (The fact they did that on Obama’s watch will ultimately be seen as a massive political failure on his part. Sorry, but it has to be said.)

However when it comes to political strategy, a great success always comes with concomitant weakness. In some future post I’ll make the case for a plausible Democratic strategy for redemption.
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wap wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: I voted to feel the Bern in the primaries. I voted to feel the Johnson in the final election.
I did not get my way. Even with the senate race, Shady Katie didn't win.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that people voted Trump because they agreed with his focus on restoring America's manufacturing prowess and bringing jerbz back in. They largely ignored the other things and focused on what he was saying that had serious potential to improve their lives and living situations. The shithead radicals are probably only 1-5% of the people that voted for him and guess what, there are 1-5% of HRC supporters that are outwardly aggressive shitheads too.

HRC was the wrong choice for the Democrats. This was obvious when everything surfaced about DNC silencing Bernie. They pushed HRC on the party, she was the wrong choice.
HRC did win the popular vote, doe
And now there are tons of people upset about the electoral college again crying out that it should be abolished.

The electoral college is a great way to make sure everyone's voice is heard. People in far less dense rural areas get more of a voice than those in super dense urban populations to make sure their concerns and their beliefs matter. Do away with that, and NYC / PHL / BOS / DC / ATL / SAN / SF / LA / DAL / HOU / CHI pick the president with nobody else's opinion mattering. Win 8 of those and you win guaranteed. So politicians would only pander to the people in those cities saying fuck the rest of the country.
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4zilch wrote:From Mark Gardiner: A Canadian and about as Liberal as the come. Explains the outcome pretty well IMO.

An essay on the moral bankruptcy and strategic illiteracy of the Democratic Party:

“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly two million… wah-wah-wah.”

Tough titties. Complaining that Trump won the electoral college without winning the popular vote betrays the Democratic Party’s moral bankruptcy and worse, it allows the Party to absolve itself of the loss and encourages the Party to go forward into oblivion without learning anything from the fact that it was beaten by an idiot with no experience and no organization. Democrats: You are now officially the party of strategic morons.

But first, the moral bankruptcy: You only get to complain about winning the popular vote while losing the electoral college vote if you would have complained about the reverse outcome.

In fact, the “expert” pollsters whom the Democratic Party trusted thought it was quite possible Clinton would win the electoral college while losing the popular vote. When that possibility was mentioned, no one on the Democratic side ever said, “But of course if that happened we’d lack the moral authority to govern.” Not even close; Democratic operatives openly spoke of Clinton’s ‘Electoral Advantage’. When Democrats thought they were going to win, they were perfectly happy with the Electoral College system.

That’s enough of a reason to shut the fuck up, Democratic whiners. But it is not the only reason.

OK, so in terms of the yes-but-asterisk popular vote, Democrats “should have” won. But look at the opponent you barely beat (in the popular vote): Trump’s an openly racist, misogynistic, serially-bankrupt, manifestly incompetent buffoon. The fact that he got nearly, nearly as many votes as your candidate should profoundly embarrass the Democratic Party.

Am I making myself clear, Democrats? Barely beating that buffoon doesn’t give you the right to do anything but obsess over where you went wrong—not what may or may not be wrong with the system. You’re like a piss-drunk driver speeding into a crowded school crosswalk, who wants to blame the school system for employing a handicapped crossing guard.

(By the way, Trump isn’t some political black swan who staged a reverse takeover of the GOP. The GOP—and the Koch brothers—created Trump; just not on purpose. He was an unintended-but-inevitable consequence of the Tea Party.)

My fear is that in amongst this “But Hillary won the popular vote” whining, the Party will fail to do a post-mortem and learn from her manifest flaws as a candidate.

This is not misogyny. This is not to deny her record of working to support child health care, her political skills as a senator, and her obvious grasp of Washington realpolitik. I’m merely acknowledging the fact that she’s *also* a secretive elitist who shamelessly, openly worked her Hollywood-Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Davos axis as a giant pay-for-play scam.

For fucks’ sake, left to her own devices Hillary’d make Ronald Reagan look like a lily-livered liberal. And to make matters worse, while she’s great in the backroom, she sucks at connecting with ordinary voters. She’s an introverted autocrat who surrounded herself with sycophants—or at the very least with people cowed by her. Instead, what she needed was anyone—anyone—who understood the mood of the electorate and was willing to speak truth to power.

You needed to think of that, Democrats, instead of blithely assuming you could get anyone elected, no matter how unpopular.

And now instead of “Where did we go wrong?” we get, “The system was rigged.” From a Democratic Party that’s been strategically outplayed since the late ‘60s, and which has not even been in the same fucking game since about 2009.

It’s way, way past time to fire the Democratic team’s coaching staff and GM, but Democratic fans are still bitching about the referees.

When Republicunts first started attacking Hillary Clinton, anything they inflicted was just happy collateral damage in their attacks on Bill. But before he’d even left office, Hillary became a real target when she ran for the Senate and telegraphed her ultimate goal: The Presidency. The GOP has been pounding her for decades, and in the last decade has increased its attacks on her because they’ve seen her as an inevitable Presidential rival. For the last six to eight years, attacking Hillary Clinton has been the GOP’s single top priority. Not because they actually hate her, but because they knew that some day they were going to have to beat her, and they needed to weaken her.

The damage they inflicted was hard to repair, because it wasn’t just name-calling; the fucking private server was stupid, and the Clinton Foundation really was a pay-to-play scheme.

So the GOP has shown its hand for years. The GOP’s made it utterly obvious who they wanted to fight against. And the Democratic Party stupidly—stupidly! Stupidly!!—nominated that very candidate.

If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (or whoever) had had the spine required to just tell her behind closed doors, “Sorry, you’re damaged goods,” and called anyone else—Bernie, Tulsi Gabbard, Gavin Newsom—the GOP would have been thrown into a panic. They’d’ve thought, “Damn it! We spent decades preparing for one opponent, and now those sneaky devils have presented a different one.” But instead the GOP simply turned the well-tuned Hillary Attacking Machine up to 11.

When the Democratic Party came to her defense, the excuses for all of Hillary’s flaws were, “That’s just how politics works.” The Democratic Party was so fucking profoundly tone deaf given the electorate’s mood that it just made matters worse.

And, “The most qualified candidate ever”??? Please. The Democratic surrogates and liberal media repeated that mantra over and over. You know what the electorate heard? “The most inside insider inside the Beltway.”

The unforced error of anointing Clinton before the Democratic Primaries was compounded when, early in the primary season, the enthusiasm for Sanders and Trump made it abundantly clear that the electorate was going to favor a populist. When Trump—the buffoon—quickly eliminated Jeb Bush, it was abundantly clear that the electorate was in no mood for dynastic succession. And yet the Democratic Party, in a mind-blowing display of hubris, remained certain it could ram the second-most-hated candidate in the history of modern polling into office.

Listen up: If Hillary Clinton *had* won, it would not have been because the electorate loved Obamacare; most of us heard, days before the election, rates for shitty insurance were going to double. It would not have been because the electorate really thought it was time to give a woman a chance; it turns out most people’d had enough of historic firsts for a while. (Though of course they did, by default, choose a historically terrible alternative.)

Anyway, if you tire of blaming the Electoral College for your defeat, Democrats, please shut the fuck up about the Russians hacking Party emails. All Wikileaks did was confirm what the electorate already suspected—which was that Hillary Clinton, for all that historic-first-woman wrapping, was actually just more politics-as-usual which was what voters were already committed to rejecting.

So are the Democrats now permanently fucked? The shortest answer is: Probably, considering the obvious strategic incompetence at the top of the Party. Even the most optimistic answer is: Yes at least through the medium term. But a possible route to Democratic Party redemption can be envisioned if you look at what the GOP did after Obama routed them in 2008.

The Republican Party did some soul searching in those months after Obama’s historic win. It came to two conclusions: First, it had to acknowledge demographic shifts in the U.S. electorate, and make inroads with younger and more diverse voters. Second, it identified state races it could win that would allow it to gerrymander House races.

It failed in its first resolution but was brilliantly successful at giving the GOP a nearly permanent home field advantage in Congress. (The fact they did that on Obama’s watch will ultimately be seen as a massive political failure on his part. Sorry, but it has to be said.)

However when it comes to political strategy, a great success always comes with concomitant weakness. In some future post I’ll make the case for a plausible Democratic strategy for redemption.
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[user not found] wrote:
[user not found] wrote:
Nope, I agree.

The RNC and DNC are both shitshows. Bernie should've won and run but they tried to silence him and forced him out. Honestly, I might be happier that Trump won over a slimeball like Ted Cruz, doe.

Bernie would have lost even bigger than HRC because the Democrats like me would have never voted for him
Bernie appealed to the anti-establishment people in the same way Trump did, just opposite ends of the spectrum. Trump would have won against Bernie. But I think it's important for both the DNC and RNC to understand that their voter base is changing and a very large portion of the US is upset with the way the two parties are structured and run.
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[user not found] wrote:
[user not found] wrote:
Nope, I agree.

The RNC and DNC are both shitshows. Bernie should've won and run but they tried to silence him and forced him out. Honestly, I might be happier that Trump won over a slimeball like Ted Cruz, doe.

Bernie would have lost even bigger than HRC because the Democrats like me would have never voted for him
Agreed. The gap during the election would have been "yuge" if Bernie was in HRC's place. Trump would have wrecked his shit on election night.
I like rumbles, vape juice and mudflaps :gay:

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maxtdi wrote:
razr390 wrote:Lol people have lost their damn minds. I tried to actually have a debate and discussion with some people but they're too busy freaking out. Mob mentality, it'll get ya.
You can't be a trump supporter in Cali your shit will get vandalized and you will possibly be mobbed

This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate it how people are protesting and vandalizing, rioting, etc because of this election. The election was fair, Trump won. End of story.
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Johnny_P wrote:
maxtdi wrote: You can't be a trump supporter in Cali your shit will get vandalized and you will possibly be mobbed

This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate it how people are protesting and vandalizing, rioting, etc because of this election. The election was fair, Trump won. End of story.
It's just an excuse to loot in some places.
I like rumbles, vape juice and mudflaps :gay:

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[user not found] wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: And now there are tons of people upset about the electoral college again crying out that it should be abolished.

The electoral college is a great way to make sure everyone's voice is heard. People in far less dense rural areas get more of a voice than those in super dense urban populations to make sure their concerns and their beliefs matter. Do away with that, and NYC / PHL / BOS / DC / ATL / SAN / SF / LA / DAL / HOU / CHI pick the president with nobody else's opinion mattering. Win 8 of those and you win guaranteed. So politicians would only pander to the people in those cities saying fuck the rest of the country.
This. Hell you could invest only in the north east and west coast and you'd win without a problem. The minority of thr population that lives rural lives still needs to be heard.

The electoral college is good.
Old map, but gets the point across...

The only votes that matter would be votes in the red counties. Fuck the rest of the country their opinions don't matter. Basically the country would always vote Democrat.

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Johnny_P wrote:
4zilch wrote:From Mark Gardiner: A Canadian and about as Liberal as the come. Explains the outcome pretty well IMO.

An essay on the moral bankruptcy and strategic illiteracy of the Democratic Party:

“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly two million… wah-wah-wah.”

Tough titties. Complaining that Trump won the electoral college without winning the popular vote betrays the Democratic Party’s moral bankruptcy and worse, it allows the Party to absolve itself of the loss and encourages the Party to go forward into oblivion without learning anything from the fact that it was beaten by an idiot with no experience and no organization. Democrats: You are now officially the party of strategic morons.

But first, the moral bankruptcy: You only get to complain about winning the popular vote while losing the electoral college vote if you would have complained about the reverse outcome.

In fact, the “expert” pollsters whom the Democratic Party trusted thought it was quite possible Clinton would win the electoral college while losing the popular vote. When that possibility was mentioned, no one on the Democratic side ever said, “But of course if that happened we’d lack the moral authority to govern.” Not even close; Democratic operatives openly spoke of Clinton’s ‘Electoral Advantage’. When Democrats thought they were going to win, they were perfectly happy with the Electoral College system.

That’s enough of a reason to shut the fuck up, Democratic whiners. But it is not the only reason.

OK, so in terms of the yes-but-asterisk popular vote, Democrats “should have” won. But look at the opponent you barely beat (in the popular vote): Trump’s an openly racist, misogynistic, serially-bankrupt, manifestly incompetent buffoon. The fact that he got nearly, nearly as many votes as your candidate should profoundly embarrass the Democratic Party.

Am I making myself clear, Democrats? Barely beating that buffoon doesn’t give you the right to do anything but obsess over where you went wrong—not what may or may not be wrong with the system. You’re like a piss-drunk driver speeding into a crowded school crosswalk, who wants to blame the school system for employing a handicapped crossing guard.

(By the way, Trump isn’t some political black swan who staged a reverse takeover of the GOP. The GOP—and the Koch brothers—created Trump; just not on purpose. He was an unintended-but-inevitable consequence of the Tea Party.)

My fear is that in amongst this “But Hillary won the popular vote” whining, the Party will fail to do a post-mortem and learn from her manifest flaws as a candidate.

This is not misogyny. This is not to deny her record of working to support child health care, her political skills as a senator, and her obvious grasp of Washington realpolitik. I’m merely acknowledging the fact that she’s *also* a secretive elitist who shamelessly, openly worked her Hollywood-Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Davos axis as a giant pay-for-play scam.

For fucks’ sake, left to her own devices Hillary’d make Ronald Reagan look like a lily-livered liberal. And to make matters worse, while she’s great in the backroom, she sucks at connecting with ordinary voters. She’s an introverted autocrat who surrounded herself with sycophants—or at the very least with people cowed by her. Instead, what she needed was anyone—anyone—who understood the mood of the electorate and was willing to speak truth to power.

You needed to think of that, Democrats, instead of blithely assuming you could get anyone elected, no matter how unpopular.

And now instead of “Where did we go wrong?” we get, “The system was rigged.” From a Democratic Party that’s been strategically outplayed since the late ‘60s, and which has not even been in the same fucking game since about 2009.

It’s way, way past time to fire the Democratic team’s coaching staff and GM, but Democratic fans are still bitching about the referees.

When Republicunts first started attacking Hillary Clinton, anything they inflicted was just happy collateral damage in their attacks on Bill. But before he’d even left office, Hillary became a real target when she ran for the Senate and telegraphed her ultimate goal: The Presidency. The GOP has been pounding her for decades, and in the last decade has increased its attacks on her because they’ve seen her as an inevitable Presidential rival. For the last six to eight years, attacking Hillary Clinton has been the GOP’s single top priority. Not because they actually hate her, but because they knew that some day they were going to have to beat her, and they needed to weaken her.

The damage they inflicted was hard to repair, because it wasn’t just name-calling; the fucking private server was stupid, and the Clinton Foundation really was a pay-to-play scheme.

So the GOP has shown its hand for years. The GOP’s made it utterly obvious who they wanted to fight against. And the Democratic Party stupidly—stupidly! Stupidly!!—nominated that very candidate.

If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (or whoever) had had the spine required to just tell her behind closed doors, “Sorry, you’re damaged goods,” and called anyone else—Bernie, Tulsi Gabbard, Gavin Newsom—the GOP would have been thrown into a panic. They’d’ve thought, “Damn it! We spent decades preparing for one opponent, and now those sneaky devils have presented a different one.” But instead the GOP simply turned the well-tuned Hillary Attacking Machine up to 11.

When the Democratic Party came to her defense, the excuses for all of Hillary’s flaws were, “That’s just how politics works.” The Democratic Party was so fucking profoundly tone deaf given the electorate’s mood that it just made matters worse.

And, “The most qualified candidate ever”??? Please. The Democratic surrogates and liberal media repeated that mantra over and over. You know what the electorate heard? “The most inside insider inside the Beltway.”

The unforced error of anointing Clinton before the Democratic Primaries was compounded when, early in the primary season, the enthusiasm for Sanders and Trump made it abundantly clear that the electorate was going to favor a populist. When Trump—the buffoon—quickly eliminated Jeb Bush, it was abundantly clear that the electorate was in no mood for dynastic succession. And yet the Democratic Party, in a mind-blowing display of hubris, remained certain it could ram the second-most-hated candidate in the history of modern polling into office.

Listen up: If Hillary Clinton *had* won, it would not have been because the electorate loved Obamacare; most of us heard, days before the election, rates for shitty insurance were going to double. It would not have been because the electorate really thought it was time to give a woman a chance; it turns out most people’d had enough of historic firsts for a while. (Though of course they did, by default, choose a historically terrible alternative.)

Anyway, if you tire of blaming the Electoral College for your defeat, Democrats, please shut the fuck up about the Russians hacking Party emails. All Wikileaks did was confirm what the electorate already suspected—which was that Hillary Clinton, for all that historic-first-woman wrapping, was actually just more politics-as-usual which was what voters were already committed to rejecting.

So are the Democrats now permanently fucked? The shortest answer is: Probably, considering the obvious strategic incompetence at the top of the Party. Even the most optimistic answer is: Yes at least through the medium term. But a possible route to Democratic Party redemption can be envisioned if you look at what the GOP did after Obama routed them in 2008.

The Republican Party did some soul searching in those months after Obama’s historic win. It came to two conclusions: First, it had to acknowledge demographic shifts in the U.S. electorate, and make inroads with younger and more diverse voters. Second, it identified state races it could win that would allow it to gerrymander House races.

It failed in its first resolution but was brilliantly successful at giving the GOP a nearly permanent home field advantage in Congress. (The fact they did that on Obama’s watch will ultimately be seen as a massive political failure on his part. Sorry, but it has to be said.)

However when it comes to political strategy, a great success always comes with concomitant weakness. In some future post I’ll make the case for a plausible Democratic strategy for redemption.
The Dems failed to realize/combat 20+ years of Republican anti-Hillary planning
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4zilch wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: tl;dr
The Dems failed to realize/combat 20+ years of Republican anti-Hillary planning

Lots of people hate HRC. For them to not know or ignore that, they're total morans.
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Johnny_P wrote:
maxtdi wrote: You can't be a trump supporter in Cali your shit will get vandalized and you will possibly be mobbed

This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate it how people are protesting and vandalizing, rioting, etc because of this election. The election was fair, Trump won. End of story.
It's pretty simple. Coastal liberals are unable/unwilling to try and understand the point of view of the rest of the country that elected him. Far easier to just say it wasn't fair and they are all racists.

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Calvinball wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate it how people are protesting and vandalizing, rioting, etc because of this election. The election was fair, Trump won. End of story.
It's pretty simple. Coastal liberals are unable/unwilling to try and understand the point of view of the rest of the country that elected him. Far easier to just say it wasn't fair and they are all racists.

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fucking racializers.
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Calvinball wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: This is so fucking ridiculous. I hate it how people are protesting and vandalizing, rioting, etc because of this election. The election was fair, Drumpf won. End of story.
It's pretty simple. Coastal liberals are unable/unwilling to try and understand the point of view of the rest of the country that elected him. Far easier to just say it wasn't fair and they are all racists.

Sent from the beer depository
I tried explaining to some friends why Hillary lost and they couldn't even wrap their heads around it because they were still too busy living in fear.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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Also, :wtf:

I like the first amendment only when I can use it, but when you use it, I will tell you to stop and then attempt to banish you from my safe space.

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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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[user not found] wrote:
Johnny_P wrote: And now there are tons of people upset about the electoral college again crying out that it should be abolished.

The electoral college is a great way to make sure everyone's voice is heard. People in far less dense rural areas get more of a voice than those in super dense urban populations to make sure their concerns and their beliefs matter. Do away with that, and NYC / PHL / BOS / DC / ATL / SAN / SF / LA / DAL / HOU / CHI pick the president with nobody else's opinion mattering. Win 8 of those and you win guaranteed. So politicians would only pander to the people in those cities saying fuck the rest of the country.
This. Hell you could invest only in the north east and west coast and you'd win without a problem. The minority of thr population that lives rural lives still needs to be heard.

The electoral college is good.
That's not how democracy works. The majority should elect the president.
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maxtdi wrote:
[user not found] wrote: This. Hell you could invest only in the north east and west coast and you'd win without a problem. The minority of thr population that lives rural lives still needs to be heard.

The electoral college is good.
That's not how democracy works. The majority should elect the president.
The majority in each state elected the president.

That's how it works. The extra votes came from states that have higher population, such as California.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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[user not found] wrote:
maxtdi wrote:
That's not how democracy works. The majority should elect the president.
We aren't a democracy doe. We are a Representative Democratic Republic. Very different.
Right, however I don't think the electoral college has any reason for existing, it is an archaic system that outlived its purpose.

I'm not challenging the election results but this is the second time in 4 elections that the popular vote didn't win. That's not right
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razr390 wrote:
maxtdi wrote:
That's not how democracy works. The majority should elect the president.
The majority in each state elected the president.

That's how it works. The extra votes came from states that have higher population, such as California.
I am still of the opinion that the majority should elect the president.

Also it is fucked up that no one cares about states like California and New York etc and all the campaigning is done in random swing states. Like that shit is getting old.
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maxtdi wrote:
[user not found] wrote: We aren't a democracy doe. We are a Representative Democratic Republic. Very different.
Right, however I don't think the electoral college has any reason for existing, it is an archaic system that outlived its purpose.

I'm not challenging the election results but this is the second time in 4 elections that the popular vote didn't win. That's not right
there were 50 elections, 1 for each state. The popular vote in each state granted each candidate a specific number of electoral votes, in theory, the popular vote for each state did win. It is hard to imagine the true misrepresentation of government we would have if there were no electoral college.

You can bitch about it being ineffective or outdated, but if you don't provide any recommendation for improvement or a new system altogether you are just whining.

Also, it wasn't even close in the electoral college race, more states wanted Trump.
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Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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maxtdi wrote:
razr390 wrote: The majority in each state elected the president.

That's how it works. The extra votes came from states that have higher population, such as California.
I am still of the opinion that the majority should elect the president.

Also it is fucked up that no one cares about states like California and New York etc and all the campaigning is done in random swing states. Like that shit is getting old.
No one cares? Why the hell would anyone campaign in California when it is decidedly ALWAYS Democratic?

I agree with you, can you imagine how frustrated Trump supporters in California feel whenever they cast their vote?
:doughnut: :narc: :doughnut:
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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razr390 wrote:
maxtdi wrote: I am still of the opinion that the majority should elect the president.

Also it is fucked up that no one cares about states like California and New York etc and all the campaigning is done in random swing states. Like that shit is getting old.
No one cares? Why the hell would anyone campaign in California when it is decidedly ALWAYS Democratic?

I agree with you, can you imagine how frustrated Trump supporters in California feel whenever they cast their vote?
Because we have the highest population of any state and in a democracy that should matter the most.

This country is a "representative democracy", last i checked the translation of the word democracy means majority rule.

The fact that trump got 290 votes vs 228 for Clinton while getting 600,000 less actual votes further demonstrates how fucked up the electoral college is.

Solution? Just do a popular vote. Majority wins
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maxtdi wrote:
razr390 wrote: No one cares? Why the hell would anyone campaign in California when it is decidedly ALWAYS Democratic?

I agree with you, can you imagine how frustrated Trump supporters in California feel whenever they cast their vote?
Because we have the highest population of any state and in a democracy that should matter the most.

This country is a "representative democracy", last i checked the translation of the word democracy means majority rule.

The fact that trump got 290 votes vs 228 for Clinton while getting 600,000 less actual votes further demonstrates how fucked up the electoral collage is.

Solution? Just do a popular vote. Majority wins
Popular vote doesn't work either, Mr. McBoatface.
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