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by goIftdibrad
Fri May 06, 2022 10:12 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: Global Warming - Discussion-Rant
Replies: 336
Views: 52602

Global Warming - Discussion-Rant

I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. "Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare" Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. B...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 3:45 pm
Forum: Car Talk
Topic: Car Talk 6: Best of times and Worst of Times
Replies: 12536
Views: 286896

Car Talk 6: Best of times and Worst of Times

:impressive: that's not a long wait at all. I put in my order in late January, so 4 months-ish. Really not terrible. Glad I didn't wait, though. Now I'll get to enjoy it for most of the summer. And now the search for a cheap but not beat to shit Odyssey begins in earnest. :puke: Def recommend the O...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: Global Warming - Discussion-Rant
Replies: 336
Views: 52602

Global Warming - Discussion-Rant

I keep seeing this shit about the west running out of water. "Vail Mountain Completes Longest Season on Record with Snow to Spare" Maybe its a demand problem and not a supply one. Bu...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 3:37 pm
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Maybe the face time with him will be good. Not sure how open your guys’ line of communication is but you could possibly mention the two recent issues and ask if there’s something bigger that is going on. Yeah I've seen him once for a day since 2019... hoping that maybe the trip makes the relationsh...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 11:16 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

I saw a really cool post broken out into different “age appropriate” ways to talk about the benefits of healthy foods. Planning on using that when we have one. I’ll dig it up and share it for anyone interested. https://i.p...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 10:36 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Yeah, it's a fantastic ratio. I rarely ever get a double, if anything I :scrooge: out if I do go there and buy a McDouble, which is a double patty cheeseburger just because it's like half the price and probably has similar :meat: quantity, if you can call it that. My kids are starting to :nope: out...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 7:33 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Birthday’s are definitely a :tits: thing it seems. Michelle gets more excited for mine than I do, but then she gets upset that I’m not excited so I have to spend the day pretend to be happy that it’s my birthday, when all I really want is to have a normal day since I quite enjoy my life as is. Yes,...
by goIftdibrad
Thu May 05, 2022 7:32 am
Forum: Car Talk
Topic: Car Talk 6: Best of times and Worst of Times
Replies: 12536
Views: 286896

Car Talk 6: Best of times and Worst of Times

I share this I an extent. Filter changes are pretty much :aintcare: why not if it's easy. But bigger things? :notsure: My boat, for example, the water pump impeller should be inspected every 3 years and replaced as needed according to Mercruiser. It requires separating the outdrive and remo...
by goIftdibrad
Wed May 04, 2022 7:49 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: COVID-19: the aftermath
Replies: 336
Views: 26406

COVID-19: the aftermath

in case tweet goes away...tried to upload to post image but server errors all over the place on these two posts

by goIftdibrad
Wed May 04, 2022 7:47 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: COVID-19: the aftermath
Replies: 336
Views: 26406

COVID-19: the aftermath

Ok im puting this in the c-19 thread because 1. not really a better place and no need for new thread and 2. the parallel to draw to ivermecton is a bright red line with circles and exclamations Backsotry for those under rock: Someone leaked a draft majority opinion from the supreme court of the US o...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 2:35 pm
Forum: Gym Class
Topic: DYELB: The Gainz Train
Replies: 4218
Views: 253002

DYELB: The Gainz Train

Pulled 465 for a double and then a single this morning. Overall I'm still making progress but its slowing. Feeling my shape change in a good way still tho so sticking to it. Really want to get my 3 plate bench this year. I think I'm going to have to alter my programing some away from the 531 boring...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 11:29 am
Forum: Gym Class
Topic: DYELB: The Gainz Train
Replies: 4218
Views: 253002

DYELB: The Gainz Train

Pulled 465 for a double and then a single this morning. Overall I'm still making progress but its slowing. Feeling my shape change in a good way still tho so sticking to it. Really want to get my 3 plate bench this year. I think I'm going to have to alter my programing some away from the 531 boring ...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 11:20 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

what a time to be alive, when civil discourse is dead along with critical thinking. It doesn't matter. I'm just sick of the constant doom and gloom and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm too old to believe that I can make a difference anymore. Head in the sand approach is the best for my mental...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 11:06 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

I really detest chickfla. I mean its DECENT, but its vastly overpriced and overhyped. I'll pass it up for mcdoe/wendys/burger king nuggs every fucking day of the week. :macdoe: nuggs are good with the dipping :sawce: , but on their own they're fk nasty :D I mean, its an edible, cheap, quick meal th...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 11:01 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Detroit wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 9:40 am
D Griff wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 9:36 am

Go for it. You won't see me over in the punch bowl :lolol:
:dat: :aintcare: World is rotten, what else is new.
what a time to be alive, when civil discourse is dead along with critical thinking.
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 10:58 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Chick Fil A is a mess here too. Always an enormous lineup of cars in the roadway or clogging neighboring parking lots. But then again I do not go to fast food places much anymore unless I want fries for some reason. I can't imagine living in such a manner that an outing to Chick Fil A is worth an h...
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 8:54 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Ohhhh gonna be a spicy news day. I should start a punch bowl thread no one will read. :ban: :lolol: :dealwithit:
by goIftdibrad
Tue May 03, 2022 8:14 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: COVID-19: the aftermath
Replies: 336
Views: 26406

COVID-19: the aftermath

For the both of you that read my ranting to the void, excellent guest article that outlines the morality of informed consent in medicine. Wisps of compulsory military service in there too.
by goIftdibrad
Mon May 02, 2022 1:05 pm
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Tar wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 12:44 pm Lunch today is last night's leftovers.
me too! Leftover slighly past sell by date chep bone in ribeye :drool: was delish
by goIftdibrad
Mon May 02, 2022 1:03 pm
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: COVID-19: the aftermath
Replies: 336
Views: 26406

COVID-19: the aftermath The ever-...
by goIftdibrad
Mon May 02, 2022 10:00 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: Global Warming - Discussion-Rant
Replies: 336
Views: 52602

Global Warming - Discussion-Rant Last week, Bank of America sparked a firestorm of reaction amid both the pro and contra climate change camps, when it published one of its massive "Thematic Research" tomes, thi...
by goIftdibrad
Mon May 02, 2022 8:14 am
Forum: Political Punchbowl
Topic: COVID-19: the aftermath
Replies: 336
Views: 26406

COVID-19: the aftermath That...
by goIftdibrad
Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:00 am
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

Well.....not JUST :[user not found]: ...... Right, forgot about his sack riders. Duh. :derp: :balls: Right, forgot about his sack riders. Duh. :derp: :iswydt: :realfax: :lolgasm: :salt: :hai: I have an NA. Don't ever sell it, this is my 3rd one. Should have kept the first one. Also that chip is tot...
by goIftdibrad
Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:02 pm
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

A lot of us just don't have the time that we used to for shitposting... fair wow this place is dead. Hope [user not found] and his sack riders are proud of themselves. :iono: plenty of posting IMO just no bullshit "i took a fat piss " posts in here. I don't feel like it's particularly act...
by goIftdibrad
Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:41 pm
Forum: The Mudroom of Miscellany
Topic: OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster
Replies: 9563
Views: 284533

OT 20: rotisserie roller coaster

wow this place is dead. Hope [user not found] and his sack riders are proud of themselves.